Hi, Steven E here with some great info!

Do you know out of 1.2 million books tracked by Nielsen Book Scan 950,000 sold less than 99 copies? Why would you want to write a book? I talk with 50 authors per week and they all tell me they have the best book in the world…however, when I asked them about their marketing, 9 out of 10 say, I know a publisher or I have a friend that knows a bit about marketing, right then I already know that they will sale less than 99 copies.

I wrote my first book when I was 21 years old and I thought “wow” I am going to be on Oprah and Larry King and I am going to sale millions of my book and sit back and make millions of dollars!!!!

In fact the opposite happen, I ended up living in my car and then to an office building and fell flight on my face. I also, know a few billionaires and some of the biggest and richest names in Hollywood that wrote books and they also fell flat on their faces and sold less than 1000 copies of their books. Why do you want to write a book?

Why do most people write books that are not successful? Most people write a book like an author, not a business person. If you write a book, you better run it like a business.

Just like any successful company that you create or your friend created, if you want to go out and make millions or even billions in any business, you need time, a clear intention and it has to be your life’s purpose, so you will never give up.

I have a friend that wrote a book and went on Larry King and Ellen and a few more top TV shows, the book was the door opener to get on TV, however, my friend was promoting his franchise business when he got on TV, after he got off Larry King he had over 60,000 people go onto his website and his sales and marketing team went to work and sold millions and millions of dollars in franchises. He did not make much money from his book but he did make tons of money from his business, the book was a door opener for him to get major media.

I have another friend that was a school teacher and he wrote a book and a few months later a prestige principle job opened up and 100's of candidates went for the job and my friend got the job. He asked why did he get the job and they said, he was the only person that had a book. A book gives you credibility.

After I made my book a number 1 bestseller, in 10 short days, I had over $500,000 dollars come into my life, it flow into my bank account like a little birdy, I did not create the money from my book sales, however, I had businesses wanting to do work with me, because I had credibility as being a #1 bestselling author.

If you do write a book, run it like a business, if you are going to spend money make sure it is a smart business move.

Write the book and know the book will bring you more clients for your current company and maybe one day when you have money coming in from your business you can put more money into the marketing of the book and start to make money from the book.

However, in the beginning make sure you use to the book as a nuclear business card for your business to bring in the customers. If you do that, then writing a book will be the best business move that you have ever made.

Now I look back and when I was 21 years old, it was the best business move I have ever made, I am glad that I wrote a book.

For more details, please visit Bestseller Guru or call me directly at 562-884-0062 and ask for more information.

Thank you!

Steven E, “The Best Seller Guru”
The Guru within you!


Author's Bio: 

Steven E., the best seller guru, teaches authors the ultimate skill about how to become one of the topselling authors. According to Steven, you’ll actually get the celebrity treatment after your book gets the bestseller brand.

Steven E. wrote his first book when he was just 21. That’s why he understands the needs and desires of authors so well. It’s his personal experience that gives him the confidence to say – You can be a best-selling author!

Contact Steven at stevene@wakeuplive.com or visit http://www.bestsellerguru.com.