Do we no longer eat according to who we are? Our health and well-being have taken a back seat to our materialistic values. We have lost our connections to who we truly are, and due to that we have fallen victim to unfortunate circumstances of dis-ease. We are no longer functioning according to our unique true existence. These negative acquired human habits we take upon ourselves are altering our bodies chemistry and taken the body, mind, and spirit off alignment. Eating according to your unique type goes beyond what you physically can see. It must go deeper into fully knowing one selves. We nourish our body to maintain and restore our eternal and physical being. We are so unique and indigenous people that we are even broken down into different dosha, metabolic type, blood type, etc..Have we taken time to appreciate who we are to understand how to heal ourselves and maintain a perfect alignment of body, mind, and spirit. Allow your whole You to connect as One to stay in the proper state of optimal balance. Healing our selves in all levels is effortless if we hold the key to understanding ourselves beyond the materialistic values and the naked eye. Our health should not continuously be shifting out of balance. Balance is key in all areas of our lives. True balance comes within ourselves. Doesn't matter what foods you may eat, healthy or not, if you are off balance mentally, emotionally, spiritually your physical health will continue to shift continuously towards dis-ease.

Author's Bio: 

Bradley Aubry is the founder of Versafit Wellness, which was created with the sole purpose to promote the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of the clients.Versafit Wellness is also established to teach and help those learn about a holistic approach to health and lifestyle. All learners are welcome to the insights and ideas of the Truth. The conventional facts about nutrition and fitness dogma dominate the health conscious population, despite that this dogma being totally false. Not learning…is not growing….its not moving forward, its standing still in darkness. Bradley is passionate about learning the Truth so he can spread and shine light on the untold Truth about nutrition, health and exercise to the blind folded wanders.