Article Title: Sharing Some Uplifting, Empowering and Inspirational Thoughts (on the Long and Windy Road to Success)

Shared by: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Spiritual Growth, Inspiration, “Spiritual”, Spiritual thoughts, Quotations, Success, Success Thoughts, Empowerment, Words of Inspiration and Empowerment, Inspirational Writings (enough there now, craig)

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and new manuscripts) is at and

Other Articles are available at: and
(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, ‘spiritual writings’ (how ‘airey-fairey’), words of inspiration and money management (how boring now, craig)

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This piece (as with all my articles) may be freely reproduced, electronically or in print. If they help at all, or make any difference in people’s lives by bringing some joy, then I’m very happy.

“We share what we know, so that we all may grow.”


Sharing Some Uplifting, Empowering and Inspirational Thoughts (on the Long and Windy Road to Success)

Submitters Note

Here are some of my notes and thoughts (in point form that I've collected (instead of stamps and bottle-tops) and jotted down over the years (in my indecipherable handwriting) from many years ago (the year 2000). I find them empowering and inspirational on my own journey "on the path less travelled". So will share with you and hope them may be uplifting, empowering and perhaps even.inspirational to you too. Enjoy...


Dream BIG


Have a goal and plan to achieve.

Love doing what you do.

Listen to the advice of your spouse/partner.

Seek help from those whose skills you don't have.

Believe you are a winner, or one who CAN be.

Work smarter, not necessarily harder.

Fly with the eagles, don't scratch with the turkeys.

Be prepared to take calculated risks.

Be aware that opportunities are always around.

Promote your product well.

Satisfy customers needs completely.

Be decisive, determined and self-disciplined.

Encourage others constantly.

A strong belief in yourself.

A stronger belief in a higher power.

"With man some things are possible, but with God ALL good things, absolutely ANYTHING is possible."

20th September 2000



"We can all use the Internet to reach out to the "global community" and build a better world in this new "Information Revolution" that is upon us. Let's use it wisely, respect our diversity and unique cultures; but elaborate a new world in union. One where, like your founding forefathers in America, you can first celebrate the Independence Day of the strong burning creative spirit that is within you. If set alight, it is one that will make your personal VISION of the future a REALITY."

craig 2000



I truly believe that, no matter how bad or traumatic an event appeared at the time, absolutely everything happens for a reason - to teach us lessons in the 'scholarly journey' of life... and that this only means that something much bigger and better, something way more beautiful is waiting for you - somewhere, somehow!

God can weave a beautiful tapestry from even the most tangled thread of a shattered life.. It's just a matter of "hanging in by the fingernails" with the hidden strength of character that we all have deep within us...and which is only severely tested in trials and tribulations. Like the 'pearl of great' price, which is produced by the great irritation of the oyster. This suffering breeds our great strength of character, which is within every one of us.

It's not what happens to us in's how we react to what has happened to us...and our success will largely depend on our ATTITUDE to life: by remaining optimistic and open to new opportunities in the face of hardship, when all seems lost. Continue to do your part to open new doors amidst your trials and tribulations. All we need is FAITH to keep going.

So many miners gave up within inches of finding the gold in the seam of life.

I have an absolute faith in a Power way beyond ourselves, God, Life, Spirit of the Universe, Higher Authority, Infinite Intelligence, the Ultimate Source, the Creator (whatever you wish to call Him/It). However, I also believe that God, first helps those who help themselves. He may steer the course of our lives, but we have to take action and start peddling. He always gives us HOPE and LOVE when we may think we have nothing left...and God, Life Force, the Universe wants what is best for us and for us to be fulfilled and happy. That, I believe, is why , I believe God always conspires to deliver when we want something with all our heart and soul. God can make our wildest dreams come true -ones that are far bigger and more magnificent than we could ever have dreamed ourselves.




“A wish is just a wish,
A New Years Resolution is just a resolution.
Goals have deadlines and are stepping stones down the path, the stair-case to your dreams.
Meeting a goal takes dedication, effort and sacrifice and all that it takes to turn a goal into a dream is TIME."




A man or woman without a dream is destined never to fulfil his or her full potential in life. Never give up on your dream... but take time to smell the flowers on your very individual journey. Be yourself and count your blessings, then try to make a difference in the world - however small. Try to shine your own little ray of sunshine to make the lives of others easier in some little way. You can derive the greatest pleasure from treading the wildest uncertain path... and just being you."

Life is a long journey of great beauty and mystery - a magical mystery tour of growing as a human being...and we are people through other people. For me, one of the secrets of life is having passion and making it work for you. Because passion is the spring that gives us power and purpose in life. If we can follow one's passion and make it one's life's work, as well as being interested in many things, we will be happy."

Even though life may be a struggle at many times it is still an art, a magical mystery tour in 'the ghost train'" of life. (That's a metaphor, by the way!). For me life is even a daily miracle... and it up to each one of us to use the individual gifts and talents that God gave us to the absolute fullest - to make each one of our lives the masterpiece it can one day be.

"You don't just have to be the choreographer, or the conductor of your life script - rather paint the masterpiece it could be. There is a rich tapestry of talent in every human soul, that flows through the spirit of God. So don't spend your days stringing and tuning your instrument; start making and playing your music now." - Craig Lock, 5th August 1999

For success it is essential to have a POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE (P.M.A.). You can change your negative attitudes. Have optimism + be willing to take calculated risks. Ask yourself what are your interests, your passions? If you can make your job from your interests you will love doing it. Work smarter not harder. Look for opportunities; they are always around - problems are just opportunities in disguise.

You can't buy it - it has to come from within. We are all different with diverse influences on us, e.g. environment, biology. REWARDS. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside, e.g. fame, recognition, power money. Intrinsic motivation is satisfying, interesting to you.

Understanding motivation gives us the power to accept our behaviour and to change what we think and do.

"The buck starts and stops with you". The clearer the goal the more powerful the motivation. WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT. Motivation comes from a challenge, so be open to new challenges. What motivates you NOW. (this can be very different from two years ago).

Shine YOUR own bright light on humanity

Shared by craig

“The highest mountain we have to climb is ourselves.”

“Only when a person has been in the deepest valley, can one know what it’s like to stand on the highest peak.”
- hugely inspiring, uplifting and empowering words from Richard Nixon, former US President

"Few (of us) will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man (or woman) stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, (she or) he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."
— the powerful and greatly inspiring words of Robert F. Kennedy (with my little insertions in brackets)

About the submitter:

In his life mission Craig hopes to encourage, motivate and inspire people to be their best through realising their full potentials and live their very best lives (without being too much of a “boring Mr Goody-goody two shoes” (as he’s lost the other one!). Craig believes in the great potential of every human being in the journey of life and loves to encourage people to share their individual (and guiding) spirits, so that they become all that they are CAPABLE of being.

The various books* that Craig "felt inspired to write" are available at: (e-books)

He is presently "working" on his latest novels 'The Awakened Spirit' and 'From Seeds of Hate to the Bonds of Love', based on some true and inspiring stories
of the unquenchable, the indomitable human spirit, that lies within each one of us. Stories of 'Endless Possibilities, Far and Unlimited (Grand) Horizons'

The submitter’s blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books
and new manuscripts) is at

"The world's smallest and most exclusive bookstore"

"Together, one mind, one heart, one life at a time, lets see how many people we can impact, encourage, empower and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials."


“When (or is it perhaps if??) you arrive in a place (or rather state ) known as heaven, let faith and love be the wings of the chariot that carried you there.”

- Craig (as adapted from the words of Jonathan Edwards, a former minister in Massachusetts (New England)


May the light of God shine brightly on your path up ahead


Author's Bio: 

About the submitter:

In his life mission Craig hopes to encourage, motivate and inspire people to be their best through realising their full potentials and live their very best lives (without being too much of a “boring Mr Goody-goody two shoes” (as he’s lost the other one and they are different colours!). Craig believes in the great potential of every human being in the journey of life and loves to encourage people to share their individual (and guiding) spirits, so that they become all that they are CAPABLE of being.

The various books* that Craig "felt inspired to write" are available at: (e-books)

He is presently "working" on his latest novels 'The Awakened Spirit' and 'From Seeds of Hate to the Bonds of Love', based on some true and inspiring stories
of the unquenchable, the indomitable human spirit, that lies within each one of us. Stories of 'Endless Possibilities, Far and Unlimited (Grand) Horizons'

The submitter’s blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books
and new manuscripts) is at

"The world's smallest and most exclusive bookstore"

"Together, one mind, one heart, one life at a time, lets see how many people we can impact, encourage, empower and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials."