The visibility of a web site is dependent on the number of consumers who are directed to this sight through the various search engines. Many businesses and marketing strategists have chosen to focus on Seo in their effort to increase visibility. The basic principle is that the higher the web site is on the search engine results, the more consumers are apt to visit that particular sight. Marketing strategists recognized this early on, and they began to research how search engines work in their quest for optimization.

SEO, or search engine optimization, can be a marketing strategy for firms that are interested in online publicity campaigns. These techniques study the way that search engines work, and then tailor activities to increase the ranking of a particular web site. Several types of searches may be the focus of a campaign such as a local, video, academic or image search. The campaign can then target this particular type of search in an effort to improve the consumer visibility of various sights.

Many began to recognise in the mid 1990's that there was a crucial importance to the way that consumers are directed to the sights of the firms. Keyword density was one of the early factors that were included in an effort to attain higher search engine rankings. Many credit this phrase to Danny Sullivan, who first used it with his firm in August, 1997.

Personalized searches became popular in the early 2000's when several engines began to use the previous searches of consumers for new searches. Logged in members could take advantage of the engine's ability to remember their past searches. This then began to be used to help predict the future search that would be undertaken.

An interesting relationship began to develop between marketing companies and search engine companies. Many marketing strategists attempted to use Seo to their benefit, and they tried to influence their web page rankings. Many different techniques began to be implemented, and they tried to use the way that these engines work to their benefit. Several different strategies were employed, and these were mostly put into two different categories. Black hat and white hat techniques became the two most commonly used methods to attract consumers and optimize visibility.

Black hat techniques tried to improve rankings in a number of different ways. Most search engine companies recognize these methods as underhanded and duplicitous. Search engines generally disapprove of these methods, and often they will remove the offending sights. One of the favourite methods that are embraced by these strategists include the use of hidden text. This text is only visible to search engines, and not to the humans that visit the sight. Another method is known as cloaking, and the web site can actually recognize whether a search engine or human is in fact the sight's visitor.

White hat techniques are ones that are readily approved of by search engines, and these usually involve no deception. This method helps to reinforce the ways that these search engines work, and there are no efforts at duplicitous marketing. White hat is generally known as creating content for users, and it doesn't focus on ways to influence the various search engines. It is recognized that the consumer should be the true focus of any successful and long term marketing campaign.

Many people have recognized that this is not an effective strategy for every web site, and some operators seek other goals they think are better than simple visibility and traffic. Many ultimately seek to provide a high quality sight for consumers to use in their quest to find products and other items. This can be the goal of many firms who ignore this strategy.

SEO is an important issue in successful internet marketing campaigns. Many different firms have recognized the importance of this marketing strategy. Several methods have been used to increase visibility.

Author's Bio: 

Mark Glendale is the marketing manager of A1 Business Search and has been responsible for the smooth running of both the internet and social media marketing for the last decade now. Adept in all areas of successful internet advertising for both A1 Business Search and their branch of subsidiary companies, it is Mark Glendale’s goal to continue providing exceptional leadership and management qualities.