Many people trying something new can feel overwhelmed due to a mindset challenge. This is especially true when you are trying to promote or brand yourself to other MLM leads or business prospects. It takes a lot to conquer your own self; you have to learn to deal with the negative and master it. “Don’t put up the walls. The same wall that keeps out disappointment keeps out happiness. Take down the walls go for the experience, let it teach you” –Jim Rohn- self development author and speaker.

How does one overcome adversity and become a stronger more successful person? The type of leader that people want to follow and believe in? Becoming the successful person that you envision yourself to be takes a combination of things. One, it takes the willingness to change. At some point you have to take a stand against where you are falling short or the areas of life that are giving you the most difficulty and access the situation. This is easier said than done, but it often is what helps you find the breakthrough instead of the breakdown.

To do this, you have to ask yourself, “What areas do I need to work on and what am I willing to sacrifice to get to where I want to be?” Once this is figured out, the next step is the commitment to work on these areas, create a plan and stick with it until the new positive actions become habit. This is something that someone regardless of their success level in MLM or any position to life has to deal with at one point or another. The second and very important step is to invest in you. This means being willing to take your money that you spent on other things and start investing them into things such as motivational and instructional audio programs, attending webinars in your field of study, attending live events and seminars as much as possible.

I recommend reading books in subjects that help with mindset obstacles such as How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and The Pursuit: Success is Hidden in the Journey by Dexter Yager. These are two of many books that have had a profound transformation of how I thought and my overall attitude and mindset towards life. Also I recommend reading as much as you can everyday.

For example, Brian Tracy, a highly successful person in business and a self help author recommends reading at least an hour in the field you wish to develop in. Whether it is in sales, internet or network marketing, how to recruit MLM leads or any other profession that is important that involves a high level of competition, this is wonderful advice because in a short period of time, you will become the expert in your field.

These are just a few ideas for self development. Yet if you are willing to follow these steps, you soon will accomplish more than your competition will due to the self discipline and consistent action taken as well as the attitude to persist when everyone else is throwing in the towel. Success is yours as long as you do not quit!

Your Success Matters!

Lee Reffel

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