When it comes to picking the right type of wine glass for a special event you are hosting there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Because wine tastes and smells its best in certain types of glasses, you will want to know exactly what type of glass is best for the wine you have plans to serve. With the right glass you can wow your guests!

With glasses there are certain factors that have been proven to affect the taste and aromas of wine. Things such as the shape and size of the bowl, the stem, and other factors all play a part in what you get out of the wine you're drinking. To select the right glassware at your event, remember the following:

Red wines

If you have plans to serve a red wine at your special event you will want to be sure to purchase glassware that will allow the flavors to blend and spread. For red wines you'll want to buy wine glasses that offer a wider bowl along with a wider opening. With a wider bowl the wine is able to spread out as well as pull in more air. With more air the flavors and aromas of red wine are able to spread and be tasted and smelled boldly.

Red wine should be served no higher than 1/3 of the glass. This leaves room for guests to swirl the wine as well as an increased amount of room for air to blend into the wine.

White wines

With white wines you'll want a narrower bowl and a narrower opening. The smaller bowl allows for the wine's temperature to stay cool and the narrowed opening let the wine's aromas waft as needed. Generally with white wines the standard tulip-shaped glasses work perfectly.

White wines should also be served no more than 1/3 of the glass full. Sometimes a bit more is okay though it is best to keep the content low so that the flavors and aromas really come alive.

If you want to surprise your guests at your special event, be sure you have the glasses that perfectly match the wine you plan to serve. Be sure to pay close attention to each glass' bowl size as well as the size of the opening. These two factors can really make or break the wine at your special event.

Author's Bio: 

DiscountMugs.com is a large distribution company based in Miami, Florida. They are web-based and factory-direct which allows them to keep prices lower than the rest of the competition. They also have a huge selection of glassware from backpacks and travel mugs to pens and wine glasses.