Different Methods Of Speed Operation For Water Pumps

Choosing the most suitable method of operation for water pumps is the key to keeping energy costs under control, and for extending the life of the pump for as long as possible. When it comes to Grundfos pumps, there are several different methods of pump operation:

  • Variable Speed Operation
  • Hybrid Control
  • By-Pass Valve Operation
  • Control Valve Operation
  • Float Level control Operation

Those who wish to set up their own water pump should know about each type of operation, before purchasing any pumps from a Grundfos pumps dealer in Hungary.

Variable speed operation is one of the many methods used to control the flow of water in a pump, in Hungary. It has an expensive start up cost, and is difficult to justify financially, in most cases. However, variable speed operations is the most energy efficient operation available to pump users, using this method of speed operation allows them to save at least 50% in energy costs. This method of operation is particularly suited for pumps with high operating hours, and huge friction losses.

Choose The Best Speed Operation For Water Pumps In Hungary

A bypass valve speed operation is the best method for water pumps that have a steady flow rate, the Grundfos pumps dealer in Hungary, should also consider installing the bypass valve for water pumps that are not used often. If pump engineers can install a bypass value to a pump with a variable speed operation, they will create a hybrid control speed operation, which leads to greater energy savings, than with a variable speed operation alone. However, bypass valves are not the most efficient when it comes to saving energy.

Control valve operations are used to increase the system pressure drop, thus pushing the pump further back on its HQ rate. It is often the considered to be the most popular method for controlling the flow rate of a water pump, in Hungary and other parts of the world, but it is seldom the most efficient in terms of energy savings. Float level control relies on sensors to manage the water level, if the water reaches an assigned low point, sensors will react and turn on the pump, until the water level reaches the high point. It is most commonly used control flow in sewage pumps. This method does have several disadvantages for the wrong pump because the stop/start operation can be difficult pump motors.

Author's Bio: 

Jerome Julian writes about Grundfos pumps and other water pumps, based on his research about pumps in Hungary.