Sheltered your data with Live Chat. Every association with Live Chat is encrypted. Regardless if it’s the agent logging in or a visitor initiating a chat, the traded information is always secure. As an administrator, you can utilize various security settings to protect your operations.

Double Encryption-

Live Chat Agent’s double layer encryption guarantees the security and quality restoration of your data in traverse and in the rest state. This is applicable both for agents utilizing the application and clients utilizing the chat window on your website.

Data Obfuscation-

Algorithm camouflage number strings in a chat transcript. Delicate information like social security numbers, credit cards, and other individual numeric information is disguised, keeping uninvited eyes away from viewing number strings. In case, you don’t want any payment information to be processed via Live Chat, you can block credit card numbers from appearing in the application.

Live Chat recognizes when a client enters his or her credit card information, for example, it’s number and can mask it if you want. Just the last couple of digits will be disclosed for identification purposes. At the point, where credit card masking is validated, the numbers will likewise be unseen in the chat archives.

Data Confinement/Data Deletion-

Securely deal with the storage and cleansing of chat information. Administrators can conceal the information from view for a predefined measure of time before completely erasing it, or naturally erase all the data on a selected timetable.

Access Restriction-

To guarantee that your agents sign in to the application just on secure machines, you can restrain the entrance to your LiveChat to a choose pool of IP addresses. This assures that agents only utilize gadgets that have been suitably anchored.
This serves as an extra safety measure that will shield undesirable logging into your LiveChat, regardless of whether they some way or another, they get the credentials of one of your agents.

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