For massage therapists and bodyworkers, the concept of liability insurance might seem to be of no concern, or at least not of any relevance to these hands on healing professionals. However, as professional massage therapists and bodyworkers work with members of the public, exchanging their services for a profit, massage therapy liability insurance does indeed need to come into the equation.

Think of your massage therapy or bodywork practice as any other business where goods or services are exchanged for money. In such a business, especially when clients or customers are actually coming on to the property of the business to pick up the goods or receive the services, liability insurance is of the utmost importance.

Even though the chances of an accident occurring that could affect a client or customer and prompt him or her to sue the business might be quite rare, it is key to protect against even the slimmest chance of such a scenario unfolding. After all, if the unexpected did all of a sudden become reality, it could mean the loss of all assets if the business is not protected by liability insurance.

With massage therapy liability insurance, massage therapists and bodyworkers can have a policy in place to provide a safety net of sorts, protecting the practice in case a scenario occurs in which the massage therapist or bodywork might be held liable. Again, these scenarios are rare, but they are not non-existent.

Imagine, for example, if one of your new clients had an allergic reaction to the nut based massage oil you used during an appointment. If the reaction was severe enough that the client felt he or she deserved payment for the damages, then you might find yourself facing a liability suit.

With massage therapy liability insurance, you would be covered in the above scenario, by the product liability portion of your insurance policy. Product liability is there to provide coverage to massage therapists or bodyworkers in the case of a client claiming damage or injury due to a product used by the practitioner.

Another example of the rare, but possible, situations that call for massage therapy liability insurance would be a client slipping and falling on the property of your practice. If such an accident results in an injury, and the client feels he or she deserves to be paid for the damages, then you might find yourself involved in a lawsuit.

If something along these lines did indeed happen, then you would need the general liability portion of your massage therapy liability insurance policy to provide the necessary protection. Often called “slip and fall” insurance, general liability insurance is there to cover you in case one of your clients has an accident on the property of your practice.

Of course, there are other components of coverage that come with a solid massage therapy liability insurance policy as well. These range from professional liability insurance, massage insurance or malpractice insurance, to reimbursement for your lost or stolen work property.

Bring massage therapy liability insurance on board at your business, and breathe a sigh of relief that your safety net is in place.

Author's Bio: 

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP) is a national insurance provider offering licensed massage therapists comprehensive Massage liability insurance and practice support. MMIP competes effectively for clients on two fronts, while providing the best value to the practicing massage therapist, MMIP's liability insurance package is the most comprehensive in the massage and bodywork industry. By focusing our liability insurance exclusively on the massage therapist we are able to provide a personalized experience and a comprehensive plan of member benefits.