You’re sitting at dinner with your family and the telephone rings. It's a bill collector and they are demanding you pay them right now. Today! Tonight! Guess What? You don't have to do that. You have the right to what is called debt negotiating.
Very simply put this means when you are in financial trouble and can't pay your bills, you have the right to negotiate with your lenders, regardless of who they are. In addition, if the bill has been turned over to a collection agency, you can bargain with them also. However, this may not be quite as easy as it sounds.
Don't let this information scare you, use it to your advantage when you are talking with debt collectors. You are going to be dealing with someone who knows what they can say and how they can say it, when collecting a debt. This means it's critical for you to know your rights before starting the discussion.
One of the fastest ways for you to learn your rights is to go on-line to the Federal Trade Commission site. This official U.S. Government on-line brochure can be printed out so you will have it at your disposal day or night. You will find this brochure on-line.
In addition many of the individual states have their own laws about debt collection. A quick check on-line with your states official site will fill you in on your rights and the bill collector’s rights. In addition there are other ways to protect your self.
Did you know that in 35 states in America, plus Washington, D.C., you can secretly record phone conversations? In the 15 other states, you can record a telephone conversation provided you advise the other person you are doing so.
You should check with your states Attorney General, on-line, to make sure where your state stands on this issue. Any time you are involved in debt negotiating, with a lender or collector, always try to have a tape recorder hooked up.
It's a tool which works like magic, during a negotiation. You would be surprised how calm and helpful lenders and debt collectors become when they are being recorded. However, you need to bear in mind that a recording can work both ways. Be sure to make only statements and commitments you can keep.
You do not have to let them bully you into making financial commitments you can't keep. Even though they insist you do it their way, make no mistake, you have the right to discuss the debt in full. Rationally and calmly! Determine what you can pay and then offer less than the amount. This way it gives you additional bargaining power, as the collector is going to try and bump the amount. Never go over the amount you can pay.
Remember one of the reasons you are in this 'debtor’s hell' is you overextended yourself. Trying to pay back more than you can will only dig the hole that much deeper.
This is only the first installment in a two part series of on “Secrets About Debt Negotiating And Protecting Your Rights”. Be sure and read Part 2 of this article.
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