Smoking is very dangerous in pregnancy. All expecting mother should not smoke in pregnancy as there are many risks associated with the pregnancy. But the research shows that only quitting is not enough to reduce the risks of smoking but there are many risks of indirect smoking. This is the situation when you are not the smoker but you are exposed to the smoke from your friends or family members. There are many harmful effects of the indirect smoke which is also known as second hand smoke on you and your baby's health. Second-hand smoke is known by different names like involuntary, passive or environmental tobacco smoke

Second Hand Smoke And Pregnancy

Second hand smoke is the release of the smoke into the environment whenever someone other than you is smoking. About 4,000 chemicals are present in second hand smoke. A lot of these chemicals are said to be related to cancer. Second hand smoke during pregnancy can harm both you and your baby. The chemicals present in second-hand smoke can pass on to the fetus through the placenta thus affecting the unborn baby badly.

When the blood flow to the unborn baby is decreased due to nicotine, it can affect the lungs, heart, nervous system and the digestive system of the baby. Carbon monoxide is very harmful to the baby as it affects the baby's growth and can result in low birth weight.

The greatest risk of the second hand smoking is the miscarriage. Some other health conditions include low birth weight, premature birth, sudden infant death syndrome, learning deficiencies, behavior deficiencies.

The most mysterious is the SIDS in which an infant dies unexpectedly during sleep besides being healthy in condition. Its cause of death is unknown but smoking is determined to be the reason of this problem.

It is therefore advised to avoid smoke and smoking entirely in pregnancy.

Second hand smoking after the baby's birth

After when your baby is born, it is very necessary that you avoid smoking to avoid the exposure of smoke to your baby. Not only it is important for you to quit smoking but it is also important for you to protect your baby from second hand smoke. The reason is that the infant may develop SIDS after being exposed to second hand smoke. Second hand smoke also has negative effect on the immune system of the baby. Many babies develop ear infections, teeth problems, and respiratory problems so it is important to keep your baby away from smoke either direct or indirect.

So you must not only avoid smoking but also avoid sitting in the room which is smoke-filled. It is not difficult to do. If you go out to restaurant, choose the ones that have banned out smoking. If any of your friends and family members are the smokers, ask them to smoke out of the room where you are present.

It is wise to avoid smoke during pregnancy in order to remain safe.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Morice is a qualified surgeon who has done thousands of successful surgeries of tubal reversal. He is an expert on tubal ligation reversal as well.