When starting your home based business there is so much to learn especially if you are not a seasoned on-line marketer. You spend hours and hours learning new skills, watching tutorials, taking notes on webinars, tapping into conference calls It all seems overwhelming! Take a deep breath. Have faith, it will get easier.
You are growing and increasing the value that you will soon be able to offer and share with others. Increasing your knowledge and expertise will move you in the positive direction you want to go.
You could spend 24 hours a day learning new skills when first starting out. Make certain that you are disciplined in the actions you take each day in regards to income producing activities. Examples include marketing campaigns, engaging in quality conversations, sharing business cards or promotional information.
Depending on how much time you are available to work your home based business, you will need to make your income producing activities priority.
In my home base business, I deliberately put myself in the way of successful leaders exposed to daily training and mentorship from some of the industry's top income producers.
Here's what I've learned regarding income producing activities
1. Have at least 5 quality conversations a day.
2. Create a list each day of 5 income generating activities and don't go to bed until you have finished them.
3. Be consistent in your marketing.
4. Try one marketing strategy consistently for 90 days before implementing a different one. This is most imperative when just starting out.
5. Share business cards and or promotional materials where ever you go. Leads are everywhere there are people.
Self improvement and education will be important to grow your business but you must establish a routine for income producing activities in order to get results. Building your list, team or client base will require massive action to get the word out and share your services or opportunities with others.
Know that being overwhelmed is part of the process of creating the best version of yourself. You are designing an extraordinary life for you and your family. Give yourself breaks to re-energize. Your physical and mental states improve when you allow yourself to move around at least every 90 minutes.
Celebrate each and every success that you have. Don't compare yourself to others. This is your journey. Challenge and compete with yourself to improve your output and reach your goals.
Team up with leaders who share your vision for creating more prosperous, fulfilled lives.
Lynn Clarke is a dynamic Home Based Business Consultant leading others to discover their entrepreneurial opportunities. She is dedicated to assisting her team of worldwide members create extraordinary, fulfilled lives & paying it forward.
Lynn Clarke is passionate about sharing the revolutionary e-learning platform of PRO U and the financial education of Automatic Millionaire International® with those who are determined to create their ultimate life.
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