When developing a marketing campaign, the first step is to develop a profile of the your High-Value customers. Not only who they are today, but who the next generation of high value customers will be. In 2018, two generations have more buying power than any other group: Gen X and Millennials.
Together, these two generations make up 125 million people, and their future impact is going to be vast. Not only do they represent considerable buying power, but it's also estimated that millennials alone will be worth up to $24 trillion by 2020. Now is the time to start building relationships with these future high value customers.
Both these generations are indifferent to traditional marketing strategies such as print media and direct mail, as they perceive them to be sales oriented and inauthentic. These high-value customers want to trust the brand that they're buying from, so authentic, customer-focused interactions are the key to successful marketing efforts. Both generations are digitally connected, so marketers must make use of digital channels and find ways to engage customers through digital channels. Having a social media page is not enough, there has to be a dialogue to form relationships.
So how exactly do you go about engaging with GenX and GenY? Embrace the digital space. Ensure your online presence is mobile-friendly and that your website is easy to navigate and offers high-quality content and short videos. Social media engagement is essential, so make sure your social media team responds to queries quickly, and that user-generated comments are encouraged through likes and shares.
Ultimately, both generations appreciate authenticity and social consciousness. Having a humanizing message, along with social conscious thought leadership is essential to getting these high-value customers to trust and engage with your business. Building a strong, lasting relationship with these customers is sure to reap benefits now as well as in years to come.
About Rory Brown: Mr. Rory Brown is a Managing Partner of Nicklaus Brown & Co. and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ad Genius, Goods & Services, and Nearshore Technology Company. He works with management teams and experienced leaders on sales and marketing, technology, and strategic initiatives. Mr. Rory Brown is a Certified Public Accountant and received a Master of Business Administration from the University of Charleston, SC.
Success Coach, Business Development Consultant, Strategist,Blogger, Traveller, Motivational Writer & Speaker
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