As a Romance Planner I am often asked to organise romantic getaways for my clients, in fact of all the packages I offer this would be the most popular. There are several reasons for this but they all revolve around the need for quality time together as a couple.

When you head away with your special someone for a romantic getaway you are leaving behind all of the distractions of day to day life and taking time out together in an environment that is designed to inspire romance, decadence and indulgence. When we are in our home environment it is certainly possible to create a romantic atmosphere, but you can still see the housework that needs doing, the lawns that need mowing, the dreaded ironing pile, etc, etc. When sitting on a deck with a glass of wine enjoying your oh so romantic getaway those "chores" that were so apparent at home are now a million miles away from your thoughts, leaving you to simply focus on enjoying quality time with your special someone.

Another reason a romantic getaway is such a treasured experience is the simple fact that it is not something we can do every week (or month for that matter). For most of us heading away for a romantic weekend getaway is something we can manage between one and four times a year. This means when we do head away, we make the most of every moment, it also means you need to make sure your destination is everything it should be and that all the little extras have been taken care of too.

Now that you are nodding your head and imaging heading off to a cozy destination with your special someone how do you make sure your romantic getaway is the stuff of fairytales not nightmares? Well of course I recommend the free services of a romance planner but for those DIY'ers here's few tips. Firstly do your research, how recent are the photos on the website? Is the room you are looking at the room you will be booked into? Is that view you love the look of actually from the bed as it appears or do you have to do handstands to see it? What facilities are offered, ie is there an onsite restaurant and if not where is the closest (quality) option?

Once you are satisfied with your choice for a romantic getaway you need to think about the extra touches that can take your experience from wonderful to sensational. Music, champagne, chocolates, massage oil are just a few of the items we recommend and organise for our clients.

Yes there is a lot to think about which is just another reason why a romantic getaway is such a treasured experience. We all like to feel that we are worth a little extra effort!

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