Another year has come and gone and at some point most of us will look back and contemplate what has gone before. Some of us will see it as an amazing year that has brought us to a new deeper understanding of ourselves and others will be feeling the pain that may have shown us things we didn’t want to see.

So how do you want to see the past year? Will you be letting go of any pain and heartache that you may have suffered in favor of starting a new year with hope and peace?

Or will you choose to hang on to the negative things that were not what you wanted?

How important is the past? Does it have to reflect how we look at our present or forward to our future? I think we all know that the past can be left where it was – in the past. And each moment starts us on a new journey – each moment is a new beginning.

So, yes, take the time to look back on your year. See what lessons you have been fortunate to learn, what experiences brought you inside to find the peace, love and contentment that you’ve always wanted. What experiences have you not let go of yet? Look at those and examine why you are still hanging on. Write them on a piece of paper, acknowledge that they are not true and then tear the paper up and throw it away along with the feelings and beliefs that are attached to it. Find forgiveness in your heart for those that have brought you to your pain and for yourself. This alone can change so much.

Allow yourself to see today as a new beginning and look ahead to the New Year as a positive, abundant and fulfilling year in which you have access to all the opportunities you can imagine and more.

Let go of what hasn’t worked for you in the past and look to new ways of thinking, feeling and being.

Change your life from the inside out in 2011!

Loving wishes to you all for a peace and love filled New Year.

Author's Bio: 

Bettina Goodwin is a Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, writer, speaker and facilitator who has helped many people transform their lives from dull, unhappy and a struggle to peaceful, happy and meaningful. She has a unique ability to get to the root of issues and inspire her clients to create the changes they are seeking, giving them tools that they can take with them and use every day to maintain a life of passion and joy.

She works with individuals, couples and groups on personal growth, stress, relationship issues, parenting concerns and career development. One of her passions is helping women to find their voice through through their inner power and peace.