Ms Harmon, aged 28, often suffers from lower abdominal distension, pain and lumbosacral soreness, which are always aggravated by tiredness, after sexual life and before and after menstruation. After a year of trying to have a baby, she and her husband tried so much without success. After examination, she found that she had chronic pelvic inflammatory disease and blocked fallopian tubes, resulting in infertility.

The similar cases are very common in clinical practice. They all suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease, which many people think it is difficult to cure and easy to relapse. It can be divided into two types.

Acute pelvic inflammatory disease

If at the acute phase this disease does not get cure thoroughly, it will turn into a chronic pelvic infection possibly. So the course of treatment of acute pelvic inflammation medication must be enough. It is a common problem for many patients to stop taking medicine too early. They always feel that the medicine is somewhat toxic. And when the symptoms get better, they will unconsciously stop taking medicine without authorization, which will make it turn into chronic inflammation with repeated attacks.

Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease

Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease is often the result of incomplete treatment, which can be easy to form blocked fallopian tubes and ovarian adherent mass. In these cases, the anti-inflammatory drugs are not easy to enter, thus making the disease not easy to cure completely.

The adhesion and pelvic congestion caused by chronic inflammation often cause abdominal pain, increased leucorrhea and lumbosacral ache. Due to the long course of the disease, some patients may appear neurasthenic symptoms, such as lack of energy, anxiety, insomnia and so on. When the patient's body resistance is getting poor due to these mental problems, it will be easy to have acute or subacute attacks of the disease.

In some cases, the uterus and fallopian tubes can be directly affected, especially in the case of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. The fallopian tubes will gradually become rigid or even blocked, resulting in sperm unable to function properly and eggs unable to transport normally, thus affecting fertility.

The available treatments of pelvic inflammatory disease for female patients are as follows.

1. Medical treatment

Acute pelvic inflammatory disease is mainly treated with this method, which can be achieved through intravenous drops, oral drugs and intramuscular injection. Meanwhile, the attention should also be paid to the use of spectrum antibiotics and anti-anaerobic bacteria drugs, and make sure you have a full course of treatment. Additionally, you can try traditional Chinese medicine treatment at the same time to achieve better curative effect. For example, Fuyan Pill is a nice option for patients with pelvic inflammatory disease, which has a great effect on dispelling inflammation without side effects.

2. Surgical treatment

There are two types of patients who apply to this method. One is those who have a physiological mass, such as hydrosalpinx and cyst. The other one is the patients with small but repeated inflammatory lesions. The purpose of the surgery is to completely cure, remove the lesion and leave no chance of recurrence. Therefore, the options usually include adjunctive resection or salpingectomy.

3. Physical treatment

It is mainly through physical stimulation to increase blood circulation, so that the nutritional conditions of the tissues can be improved, and it can accelerate metabolism, helping to absorb and subside the inflammation. Generally, the warm physical methods can bring benign stimulation, which can be achieved with the help of medical facilities, such as short and ultrashort wave, ion penetration, and traditional Chinese medicine.

Apart from the suitable treatment, female patient should also pay attention to daily conditioning. It is suggested that they should eat healthier food while avoid spicy food, drink more water and exercise more. Make sure you have a regular sexual life and always pay attention to personal hygiene. The last one, keep a good mindset all along.

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