How important is religion or spirituality in a changing world? No matter whether we are talking about job, career, schooling, family, loved ones, friends, spouse, or what-have-you, how important is religion or spirituality in one’s life?

Try it this way. Can you imagine being at the end of your own very long life on your deathbed; are you ready to walk your path alone to the other side? Do you have any “unfinished business or regrets?” Perhaps the answer to this may help put the opening question into a more clear perspective.

No matter how one chooses to live their life, if it is in a way that does not honor the equality of human life, it is doomed to fail. This is only one reason why we see the world in its global mess. Even here in our own USA, we see the changes occurring because the “controlling and governing forces” whom were directing and running everything did not meet this very basic human need.

Moving forward from here in life, individually and en-masse, we will see the world around us changing in very significant ways during 2012 and beyond. Of course, there will indeed be those who will doggedly try to hang onto the old way of doing things because they were quite often the ones who most benefitted from that way of life; or we see “programming issues” at work here.

However, be advised that the changes will come, because they are already occurring “beneath the surface or behind the scenes.” The time to live your life to the fullest expression possible, which honors the integrity of your own being and that of others, is here at hand. Do not be afraid, confused, or overwhelmed. Do not try to change the world by “outward actions” aimed at changing others.

No, quite simply, the answer you seek is in living your own life from within yourself and in your own frame of reference, by choosing to face your fears and grow yourself in the direction of realizing your own greatest expression possible in life, whatever that may be. It must be understood that what you choose to become, must honor the integrity of your life and all those whom surround you.

This is already occurring now all over the world, you only need to shift your perspective to perceive it. There is something within you, which is waking up to the truth of this I speak about. Of course, you may have you own terminology or way of expressing this, but we are only talking semantics here; “the message” is the same, no matter what the “language.”

If you do not know how to proceed, get started, or continue on your own path in life, ask yourself what is it about you that you are naturally interested in and drawn to? Explore that and move yourself forward. Trust in the creativity and direction, which will come to you from within. It is ok to seek out advice, assistance, guidance, or what-have-you from another; as long as it is in-line with that which you “feel connected.”

Do not be afraid to ask “inappropriate questions” if you find yourself within the tenets of any given religious or spiritual belief system, especially if any of it “doesn’t feel right.” Just because you may see or feel need to make a change which takes you in a new direction, does not mean that what was previously believed in and followed “without question” was wrong. Very likely, the previous belief system was “necessary” to grow you to the point where you find yourself now. Therefore, treat the previous belief system with affectionate regard and not disdain.

Growing the ideas one has within their own psychological and emotional being is not easy. It is perhaps one of the most difficult and challenging things, you will ever attempt, while at the same time, being some of the most rewarding. You were not born to create a life that only grew to a “certain point”; then you would “hang on until the ride was over.” No, you came here to grow yourself in ways not even imaginable at the time of your birth upon this planet. You came here to bring something new into the world we all share; something no one else could.

Of course, you can choose to just “get by” with what you came here to do. However, what position will you be in when you die? Will you find yourself with immense satisfaction at what you chose to do with your life? On the other hand, will you wish you could “do it all over?” Why wait? There is something in you, which wants to find expression in your life. Will you “rationalize” or “find intellectual reason” why you are not able to do this?

It does not matter how you interpret and perceive the subject matter of this article, for all of this is already occurring, and will continue to occur with or without your “conscious participation.” If you want to “chase the fast buck,” or if you want to take advantage of others for your gain and their “naiveté” or “ignorance,” then realize you are working against the natural forces going on in the world at this time; and this does come with a “price tag” not known by you, or you simply would not do it.

Be patient for the life changes you seek, as they will come in their own time, and in their own way. When you consider the context of your entire lifetime, it will perhaps help put some perspective upon the “impatience” you may feel at times. The “wonderful tomorrow” you are looking for is already trying to find you. It is by being focused upon the task immediately before you, while not being afraid to “grow yourself,” that your “very bright future” will find you. Moreover, when it does, you will be changed in the most amazing ways you cannot now possibly imagine…

Author's Bio: 

My name is Charles Stewart and I want to thank my readers for taking the time to read this article. To learn more, please visit and watch the video there, as it is self-empowering and may remind one of why they were born. Do not forget to go to the free introductory downloads page and get an introductory version download of my book “What’s This Life For?”