Did you know that Physics has a term for unused energy? Potential energy or stored energy is known to be energy that has not yet taken action. Wow, think about that for a minute. Imagine an apple seed. As small as it is, it has an enormous amount of stored energy. That little seed has the stored energy to create a huge tree that can contribute to sustaining other lives with the fruit it will produce. If something as small as an apple seed fulfills it’s purpose by using it’s energy to create something so beautiful, powerful, and life-sustaining, imagine what you could do with your potential energy. Our quest in life, like the seed, is to use our potential energy to uncover, pursue, and fulfill our own unique purpose in life.

We have all traveled different paths to get to this moment. No matter how we got here, if we know in our hearts that we have more to accomplish, then there are a few steps that we should apply our energy to that will move our quest forward.

1. Self-realization. An apple seed has a map of what it is suppose to become. Likewise, so do people. We need to find our map and dust it off. If you feel stuck, unmotivated, or like your simply existing rather than living, then you need to make sure you are following the right path. After all, wouldn’t you be surprised if you planted an apple seed and up grew a cherry tree? We simply cannot have complete life-satisfaction if we are following a map that does not have the right direction for us. This has to do with knowing yourself on a very deep level. Knowledge of who you are and who you are becoming is key to moving forward.
2. Defining Core Values. Your core values are like the roots to a tree. They supply the nutrients for the tree to flourish. If a tree had unhealthy roots, it could not sustain a healthy vibrant life. The most important step to living passionately is knowing unequivocally what your top three core values are. For you to grow and remain strong, you need to build your life on your core values.
3. Creating Your Personal Vision. Your personal vision should be built around your top values. You can compare your vision to the trunk of the tree. The trunk is strong and unwavering. This is the piece that holds up all the branches and foliage of the tree. Your vision statement is the piece that is the strong base that will define your life’s meaning.
4. Goal Setting. A vision cannot be realized without a plan in place that will get us to our vision. Our goals can be compared to the branches of a tree. The branches run off in every direction. This should also be true of your goals. You should have goals for every aspect of your life. These should cover relationships, career, and self.
Then the fun begins. Once all of this is in order and you begin to achieve your goals your vision will start to come to fruition. This is when you can begin sharing your experiences and growth with other people. In going back to our metaphor of the tree, a healthy tree will begin to produce fruit. With this fruit the tree can feed others. Just like with our unique purpose we can help others to grow.

At The Human Factor, we have all of the tools you need to help you through this discovery process. By using personality assessments, Life-Satisfaction Toolkits, achievement objectives, and many other coaching tools we can support you on your quest to the achievement of life-satisfaction.

© 2009, Debi Hebel
The Human Factor Coaching, Consulting, & Counseling

Author's Bio: 

Debi Hebel is presently the Human Resources Director at an organization in the Detroit, Michigan area and is the owner of The Human Factor Coaching, Consulting, and Counseling. She is a Certified Master Coach, focusing her efforts on helping clients raise their level of life-satisfaction.

Debi has spent 16 years in the Human Resources field with direct responsibility in human relations and coaching. As a coach, she has been able to follow her passion of inspiring people to express their full potential.

In her coaching practice, Debi offers programs that take the most appropriate theories in psychology, leadership, emotional intelligence, and business management and applies them to the client’s core personality. This allows Debi and her clients to focus on uncovering the areas where growth is needed, and ultimately where behaviors and habits need to change to accommodate their new learning.

Debi’s education consists of:
• Bachelors Degree in Psychology
• Masters Degree in Human Resources Management with a concentration in Organizational Behavior and Development

She is certified as a Master Coach by The Behavioral Coaching Institute in Sydney, Australia. Debi is also a Myers Briggs Type Indicator Qualified Professional.

She holds professional memberships in The Society for Human Resources Management, The International Association for Psychological Type, The Detroit Chapter of The Association for Psychological Type, and Inforum.

To contact Debi please email her at: debi@thehumanfactorccc.com