Be honest. How's your love life these days? Is it hot and fiery or are you and your man stuck in a bit of a romance rut? The most important relationship advice you need to know about dodging the ditches and creating a passport to passion is that the first step involves you recommitting to the passion and pleasure in your life. Reigniting love's passion starts with you, not your partner. Read on to discover the 3 steps you'll want to take for your passport to passion.

Now come on girls, don't get comfy and slough off on your relationship wanderlust! Where has that adventurous fun loving, carefree, spontaneous woman gone? Revel in your relationship - it's a passport to the world of passion! And you have the perfect partner to traipse about with - how great is that? Are you going to continue to stay in boring Blithe or will you hop a plane to the pleasures of Paris and sample everything in between?

Here are 3 steps to plot your trysts and treks:

1. Love Landmarks
Be clear about your relationship goals. Do you want to keep passion alive at every stage of your relationship? Write down your vision of what your life together will look like down the road. Will you still be grabbing at each other and stealing kisses? Will you be sitting on the couch holding hands and cuddling? Will you be dancing cheek to cheek? Will you be gazing into each others eyes with love and respect? Really think about the type of closeness you want after 10, 20, 30 years together.

Take the time now to create your future relationship. If you imagine what your life together will look like and be like down the road, decade by decade, you will be creating on purpose. It's basically collapsing time - bring the future to you now and you will stay in that energetic vortex, staying in love and maintaining that love. This creates positive opportunities to grow together and bond even stronger.

2. Map it Out
what sensual strategies will you employ to stay the course and successfully reach your Love Landmarks? Making sure you plan pleasurable pit stops along the way are a must! Remember consistently putting one foot in front of the other will get you to your destination of desire. If you stand still without a plan you'll miss out on the ride of a lifetime! It would be like flying to Europe and never leaving the airport.

3. Why You Need to Plan
Just as you plan your day or week, plan your relationship nurturing times. This may seem to take the romance out but as you get more and more immersed in your life with more and more responsibilities it seems there is less and less free time or room for spontaneity. The excuses surface readily as to why you can't just fly off here or take some down time there. Consequently, it is very important to schedule time with your mate to make sure it happens.

Treat it as you would the most important business meeting of your career - which means no cancelling!
Think about this - what would happen if you ignored your clients, or children, or friends? They would leave and find the nurturing and support they need elsewhere. Avoid this in your relationship by making a plan! Maintaining connection is crucial to closeness.

Author's Bio: 

Authored by Sherri Nickols - Romance Coach for women ready to live a fully Self-expressed life, blending fun and adventure into their relationship to create the closeness they crave.