How To Make A Better Website UI For Improving Conversion Rates?

How many of your visitors can you actually turn into your customers? Whether it be through A/B testing or other strategies, you need to ensure that you have your customer’s attention. And a good UI helps you achieve that.

Why do you need to focus on UI?

A person visiting your website forms an impression of it in seconds. This impression will last for a long time and impact whether a user wants to spend time on your website or app.

It is formed on how your website works for them and how easy it is to access the information or services offered. Basically, it all depends on how your UI is designed and its performance.

UI design-What is it all about?

UI is short for user interface design. It is used by apps and websites to design the screens, layout, placement of objects and the navigation. It is the user interface a person uses to interact with the application.

The objective of a good UI is to enhance the user experience with interactions making them simple and subtle for users. To make the work of websites and applications efficient and effective, UI helps in every possible way.

Humans have attention spans lesser than a Goldfish, and you have to be quick to grab the user’s attention.

A good UI will anticipate what the user wants to do and focus on predicting what the user is going to do next. It is the job of UI to present smart options and to make the navigation easier. UI design foresees the way user think and deciphers the way the machine works.

How to gain move conversion with a redesigned UI?

1. Base it on Audience Preference

A website with an aesthetic approach means the chances are high that the user spends more time on the website. A beautiful and good looking website that raises the interest of a user has more chances of succeeding.

Research your target audience and find out their preferences before investing in UI design. An approach that leverages an alcohol product will certainly differ from dealing with self-improvement products.

2. Trust and Brand

Don’t go with the herd when it comes to design pattern of your website. If everyone tries the same, the users won’t think it as appealing.

Try to different and keep in mind the taste of your target audience. To be more successful, one has to create a brand image for that, as branding brings more targeted users.

It, in turn, builds trust for mainly first-time visitors. Using some elements like brand logo, user ratings, can build trust and loyalty significantly.

3. User Psychology

A good user interface design predicts user behavior and hence needs to understand user psychology. You need to understand where the CTAs perform best and where users are most likely to click to access information.

Place the features like buy now, add to cart, proceed to shop, where exactly they should be and conduct and make some homework before designing them. For example, buy now option, if placed near the product description attacks more attention; rather than placing somewhere else away from the product.

A good UI design helps you to know the mind of the visitor and assist them with the relevant products and avoid inconveniences in using the website. Try the following tweaks to change your UI to your benefit.

Try out new color schemes and use different fonts if your old one is boring.

Play with CTAs and see how their placement affects user response.

A perfect UI will make it possible for users to carry out their task in minimum clicks or swipes. You need to cut down on the options if it takes 10 clicks just to register for a service.

A user interface should be designed to be clutter free with the primary functions standing apart. Your main service or product should be easily accessible without having to spend time.

The images and layout of the content also play a major part in determining the efficiency of your UI. Make sure the images and content are clearly visible and do not form a clutter.

We can consider Google as an example; the user interface design features are great and attract many users worldwide. Through these years Google has maintained high growth consistently. Every single day its different teams work to visualize how they can improve user experience through UI and website layout.

So, the main thing is to retain user’s attention in turn to generate more revenue. A perfect UI design is always result oriented.

Author's Bio: 

Ritesh Patil is the co-founder of Mobisoft Infotech that helps startups and enterprises in mobile technology. He loves technology, especially mobile technology. He’s an avid blogger and writes on mobile application. He works in a leading app development company with skilled app developers that has developed innovative mobile applications across various fields such as Finance, Insurance, Health, Entertainment, Productivity, Social Causes, Education and many more and has bagged numerous awards for the same.