I have great respect for the Tarot and its meaning in my life as an expression of awakened consciousness. In a holographic universe, where I know that I am an unique articulation of the whole - particle and wave at one and the same time - revering my own potential - the Tarot is a reminder for the genius of whom I AM to become the more that I can become.
All meaning is context dependent. That is a given. So, while I have spent over 10 years contemplating the brilliance of the Tarot’s Major Arcana, it has only been in the last two years, that I have uncovered so much more of its relevance to my potential. WEL-Systems® is the quantum portal to my expanding Self-discovery. It is all very exciting! The Tarot, then, has become internalized and fully alive as a body experience for me, no longer captive to my intellect.
It happened, like a dragon awakened and released from her cave, untethered for elevating and unending flight, when I decided to change my mind about my expectations of mySelf, relative to cultural conditioning and family systems... and to choose to live my life for me, first. I figured that ‘selflessly’ doing for others in denial of myself, as I had been taught to ‘do’ over the course of my life, had not worked... ever... so, I simply chose to ‘be’ myself and to stop ‘doing’ what I had, until then, perceived as desired by others. I learned to say ‘no’ to what I did not want and ‘yes’ to what I did want. I chose to stop performing. I chose to stop ‘dying’ to be right, because the default to that was killing me... slowly and by degrees - the metaphor of death by a thousand cuts.
I soon discovered that choosing me, first, garnered me access, in my body, as the quantum, biological processor that it is, to the unknown secrets of my own unique universe - to my own innate Tarot - what I did not know that I did not know about myself. I started to reclaim the information inside, where I live, that, until I chose for myself, I had no conscious awareness of. My association to the Tarot, then, became a fathomless expression of what was to come... I now know that there is always more. I became the Ibis, who dives deep into the ocean of what is possible to claim her own nourishment in acting for herSelf [See www.BOTA.org for Builders of the Adytum and Tarot card 17, Aquarius, contained in the book by Paul Foster Case, ‘The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages'].
Through the quantum perspective of the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge, logical levels of thinking, the CODE Model™ and BSI [Body Spirit Integration], the holographic portals to the ancient wisdom of the Tarot have flung themselves wide open for me. Where I used to consider the four elements of earth, fire, air and water, as the only essential components to the process of The Great Work [the evolutionary process of the path of the Tarot to living a meaningful life], I now know that that alchemy of fruition demands no less than the vibratory catalysts of sound, sight and light. Something always manifests from the 0 point, the ‘nothingness’ of space. Space is always, in all ways, creating.
The Tarot is home to both major and minor arcana [the secrets, the mysteries of the universe]. It was the creation of the Ancients to keep safe the universal truths that sustain life as sacred - in the face of holy wars that saw the mass destruction of books and works of art [all expressions of the divine as information in movement and flow in the body] that were considered evil; that burned these creations in absolute denial of the Hermetic axiom that vibration of BEING resides in living heaven on earth... that what is imagined IS the matrix for what becomes ‘real’ in our lives. In that BEING, that connection to Self and the bond to personal intuition, in every breath, behaviour [doing] and environment [having] were reflections of one’s capacity to choose ownership of the truth of one’s experience - for Self, first... life resourced by life, itself. In the forced change to life by death [through sacrifice as the ‘gift’ to and for the collective], there would be no reason for authority, warring in favour of compliance to cultural conditioning, to question the presence of cards as anything more than a simple game. That perceived ‘game’ is an incontestable metaphor for the maxim that what presents is never about what presents.
The Tarot, then, is the analogy for the truth that whom we are cannot, naturally, be separated from our capacity to create what is meaningful to our lives. However, how many of us are waging holy wars, inside ourselves, fueled by the intoxication of needing to have, to do, to be, in that order of sequence? That uncertain path is the certain route to/root of death, incapable of seeding potential.
Seeding potential and cultivating what is possible lies in the RSS [really simple syndication] feed of BEING, as the ultimate choice for individual expression, so that doing and having are made manifest as disseminations of that. The Ancients knew that; isn’t that what we now want for ourselves? Isn’t that what we have always wanted for ourselves?
When are we going to stop looking outside of our BEINGness for what has always, in all ways, been present to us, as unseen? The simplest and surest place to hide anything is where we would least likely expect to find it - right in front of our noses. To extend this notion further, the secret, the arcana of life, resides right inside of us, where we live. How close is close? Was there ever any requirement to look outside of ourSelves for what we already know? Not according to the Ancients.
Over time immortal, we have buried our own intuition - organic to the truth of our experience. We have made it wrong and illogical, even in the veritable evidence that trusting the body to lead is the gateway to Self-connection as Source. We have abandoned our own ‘gut’ responses in favour of the ‘right’ of the intellect. Compliance to collectives demands that. The wages of war, with self and others, is life asleep in that coma.
There is another way! Reclaiming YourSelf in Tarot’s Ancient Space is the invitation to fully embrace your intuition as the truth of your experience.
The Tarot was never meant to divine the future as an absolute; it has ‘lived’ throughout the ages to evoke intuition - what we know as our internal art and our internal science - and the awakening of potential in what we do not know that we do not know about ourselves. That evocation is the invitation to inhale our experience and to exhale our restructured reality. It happens in every complete breath.
There are 22 trump cards called the major arcana based on the 4 elements of creation - earth, fire, air and water. From these 22 trump cards descend another 56 cards that constitute the minor arcana. The 22 majors are the meta and non-linear perspectives for life’s natural creation, evolution and death; for starting, changing and stopping; for being, doing and having. The 56 minors speak to the finer distinctions of the 22 majors - as archetypal signatures for the energies of the four elements. Further, each of the 78 cards, defines numerology, as an organizing principle for living life large with intensity.
As Great Works each, I wonder if we ever remember the very genius of whom we are as Quantum Biological Humans™. As quantum beings, our ability to create is purely the by-product of remembering whom we are and choosing what we want to see in our worlds. The ancient Tarot is as relevant, now, to the truth of human evolution, as it was when it was first imagined into existence. What presents is never, ever, about what presents. Life as Metaphor. The Tarot speaks to the idiom, ‘Because I say so!’
Tarot is the ancient and enduring template for how we naturally create our lives elementally - crystalizing what we imagine [sight] for ourSelves [light] through open, honest, clear and direct declaration [sound]. Space, as its infinite paradigm, has been the invitation for the creation of a multitude of Tarot Decks... all expressions of quantum genius in human form. So, the Tarot is not about the Tarot; It is about the ‘game’ of life and then some. And, it is all relative to the ‘cards’ we choose to ‘play’; If we do not like the cards we’ve dealt ourSelves, we can change them. We have to choose, first.
Copyright, Sheila Winter Wallace - www.actandinspire.com - August 2009.
Sheila Winter Wallace – Certified CODE Model Coach™ , WEL-Systems® Master Facilitator & Creator of BSI – guides you through your own potential. A Registered Nurse, an Ordained Minister and a gifted, compassionate and vastly experienced teacher, she has taught NLP, Hypnosis and Energy Psychology. Long a student and practitioner of Cranial Sacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Release, Zero Balancing, Applied Kinesiology and Results Therapy™, her versatility is one of her greatest gifts to her clients. A Reiki Master Teacher and Full Initiator in Ancient Hawaiian Huna, Sheila has developed a vital approach to working with others based on her intuitive understanding of anatomy, physiology, and thought as energy systems that easily combine to create natural models for business, for well-being and for life! Sheila designs and facilitates educational programs for general, wellness and business audiences. Read her blog at http:blog.sheilawinterwallace.com.
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