These days, it's impossible not to find people on their cell phones at the same time doing something else. It's common to see them in any public place, or just outdoors, and even more for those who are driving their cars. We just love to chit chat and most especially we can't let go of our cell phones.

I have a recollection of that time when the first cell phone came out. I had a friend back then, and the two of us had one each. Now outdated, the phones during that time were bulky. We carried the phones wherever we went and talked on them most of the time. Although, I'm kind of ashamed to tell you about it but we did often talked on the phones and at the same time drove our cars, for the simple reason of using it. We thought we were so cool! Observe the cell phones in the market nowadays. Our cell phones today have improved a great deal from the once massive to now sleek and can even do almost anything, not including windows! We wouldn't think of going anywhere without our cell phones. Well, nowadays, it's obvious what dangers lurk around when women go around the city on their own so it is for that purpose that we carry around our cell phones.

You are a road hazard with that kind of exhibition. They say, two heads are better than one but in this case, I say, two hands are better than one. It's a risk that is not even necessary and can be avoided. As what the researchers at the University of Utah learned, it is the same as drunk driving. Cell phone use impairs one's mind, hand, and eyes while on the road. We do not support cell phone use while on the wheels. There are states even that plan to prohibit the use of cell phones while driving, no exceptions. Still, people will continue to handle their cell phones every time they are in their cars until the day comes that they will not be able to do that anymore because the law says so. Nevertheless, a hand's free device is a better option for handling your cell phone and you will be able to maneuver your car with your two hands. And as of July 1, 2008, California Senate Bill 1613 states that you must use a hands free device if you are talking on your cell phone while driving. It now made phone usage without a hand's free device unlawful when on the wheels.

My partner works on his computer most of the time and being able to have a Blue Tooth Headset is a great blessing for him. Be on the phone and still be able to type on his computer, that is what my husband usually does when he is with a client. He can talk on the phone for extensive hours. It is very difficult to do this holding a cell phone and type at once and is extremely uncomfortable and unhealthy to try to cradle the phone in between the neck and shoulders. To resolve this issue, my husband now continues to use the Blue Tooth Headset that I purchased for him a few years back and it has become a part of his everyday work, he can't live without it!

If you cradle a phone, or cell phone between your neck and shoulders, you are creating a position that compresses the nerves in the neck and shoulders. This results in pain in the arms, hands, neck and shoulders and often causes headaches. This issue will be resolved by using a device that doesn't require hands to use it and the Blue Tooth Headset is one example that gives comfort to the user. It's manageable and doesn't require cords, it even sounds great. There's a brand that presents various choices - in styles and shapes - depending on what fits you. It's Motorola. It's speakerphone can even be attached on the visor of your car. A wireless headset is not even necessary and it is not against the law in the California state when you drive using this.

When on the road, always follow rules and regulations. Observe safety when driving and bring a hand's free device if talking on the phone can't be avoided.

To make sure that you remain secure even when you're on the road, it is critical for you personally to purchase bluetooth hands-free devices. At, you will discover plenty of bluetooth hands-free gadgets.

Author's Bio: 

To make sure that you remain secure even when you're on the road, it is critical for you personally to purchase bluetooth hands-free devices. At, you will discover plenty of bluetooth hands-free gadgets.