Article Title: Put Your Dream to the Test by John Maxwell (from "Motivational and Inspirational Self Help Books")
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category/Key words: Dreams, dream information, self help books, motivational and inspirational books, John Maxwell, success, success principles, achievement, self help, personal growth, motivation, inspiration, empowerment, life purpose (enough there for now, craig)
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and new manuscripts) is at
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(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, 'spiritual writings' (how 'airey-fairey'), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig
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"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."
Submitter's Note: Craig has been studying the amazing powers of the human mind for the past two decades (now his "life-long hobby"). These are some notes I took from an uplifting and inspiring address by Dr John Maxwell from the 'Hour of Power' television programme (he has written a new book), so (even if you are not "religiously-minded") I am sharing the contents of this author's work in the spirit of encouraging and hopefully even inspiring those people to just GO FOR IT with all you've got. Nothing is impossible, if you earnestly desire it and work hard at achieving your dreams. Thank you sincerely, Dr Maxwell for sharing your most uplifting words of wisdom in encouraging me to follow my passion and reach for my personal dreams down the “un-trodden path of self fulfilment”. I in turn am passing them on through the amazing power of the 'net'. Enjoy...
In his new book, 'Put Your Dream to the Test'), John Maxwell is talking about the dream journey of the bible-character, Joseph. And there are parallels that each one of us can learn from Joseph in following the path of our own dreams. A first lesson: Each great journey has a great price. The questions to ask yourself to make your wildest dreams come true:
1. Am I willing to pay the price for my dream? Don't be limited by your thinking (eg fleas in a bottle learnt not to jump high). There is always a cost to reaching your dreams. Family and friends often react negatively to your dream. Always remember, along the journey, you will have more "downs" than "ups".
2. Do I have enough passion? Does my passion impel me to keep the dream alive? Passion is the great energizer, which pushes us on, when all appears lost.
3. Always remember, God is with you in the tough times, the "dark " days and hours in the valleys. Along the journey we become closely attached to God, our "closest companion" through our "ups and downs"... to guide, strengthen and comfort us. God is ALWAYS faithful "If God is with us, everybody else might as well be too!" - John Maxwell
* Attitude is a CHOICE The attitude I have today is a choice. It's my responsibility... TODAY! Invest in others. Put others first. Help them achieve THEIR dreams. Add value to them (and their lives) There are four ways to do that:
1. Value people, first
2. Add value to what others value.
3. By making ourselves more valuable 4. By doing things God values - that have an eternal nature. NB: Be forgiving - no matter what someone has done to you. Have a forgiving spirit.
Part Four: In his address (based on his new book, 'Put Your Dream to the Test'), John Maxwell is talking about the dream journey of Joseph. Joseph went from being a "believer" into a "buyer of the dream", he really "bought into" his dream and "survived the surprise". He fully trusted God (though "bad things can still happen to good people").
* *
Once we achieve, receive our dream, how to make the most of it? My dream is HERE. Often we can impact others more through sharing our failures more than our successes. Now that you have achieved your dream... * Be GENEROUS * HELP others.. through adding value to them.... through your success. Remember: "God will not give to us, what will not flow through us. " So share the benefits of your dream with others. Ask yourself: "Does my success, achieving my dream, benefit others in some way?" "Will other people be blessed with the God-given dream inside me?"
2 Be HUMBLE. “If the Lord makes you successful... one day, I’ll keep you humble.”
- a wife (I won’t say whose!)
Remember: "divine promotion is better than self promotion") God raised me up. God helps those who can't help themselves, when we are in over our heads and God makes the difference in achieving our dreams. Keeps us humble. CHOOSE to give God the glory, pass it on . Say, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Phillipians 4:3)
3 Have an attitude TO WIN Say "I CAN!
4. Live with an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE Always remember... God has already equipped you with all that you need to achieve your goals and even your wildest dreams . It usually takes a long time for your dream to lift off (the bigger the dream, the longer it takes). So be PATIENT. Wait on your dream. Trials and tribulations bring patience. Dreams are conceived in the mind long before they are realised. Dreams are like a large aircraft on the runway. It takes a lot of energy for them to lift off, but then you soar freely. You can, if you THINK you can.
“Whatever the mind can conceive, can be achieved.
Do all this in following YOUR dream and you WILL soar high and allow you to be all God intended you to be and become. You CAN do it ... and in doing so you'll surprize yourself at what is "humanly" possible!
Makes your dreams BIG enough for God, the Ultimate Source to fit in!
“Life is about finding, then following the dream...
and one's dream/vision comes to reality through believing in
yourself, making the commitment and then creating it."
Shared by Craig Lock ("Information and Inspiration Distributer, Incorrigible Encourager and People-builder")
"I believe that God creates us with different gifts; so that in life's journey each one of us, experiences challenges, things that give us joy and using our gifts allow us to bless the world around us."
"Look within and you will find and receive from Without."
"We have it all within, but we get all from without, the Ultimate Source." – craig
"You are as great as your thoughts, as big as your heart and as vast as your imagination." - my good friend, Dr Andy Eastcott, Gisborne, New Zealand
"Together, one mind, one heart, one life at a time, lets see how many people we can impact, encourage, empower and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials."
P.S: I love these words of inspiration, so am sharing. Enjoy...
"I wish you well on a rainy day I wish you rainbows to brighten your day
To feel your quiet moments with a special kind of warmth to remind you that happiness can happen when you least expect it.
I wish you rainbows to make you laugh and smile to show you the simple beauty of life and to give you the magic of dreams come true.
I wish you rainbows I wish you well."
- Larry S. Chenges
About the submitter:
Craig likes (rather loves) to share knowledge and insights from his life experiences with dashes of humour to try and help others in 'every little way' he can... without being too much of a "Mr goody-goody boring two shoes" (although they may be different colours and he’s lost the other one) . Craig believes the spiritual dimension is something we can all "tap into"... like 'a sixth sense', which gives each person 'superior wisdom' ("Infinite Wisdom from the Ultimate Source") in making decisions and choosing one's path in life.
The various books* that Craig "felt inspired to write" are available at: (e-books)
He is presently "working" on his latest novels 'The Awakened Spirit' and 'From Seeds of Hate to the Bonds of Love', based on some true and inspiring stories
of the unquenchable, the indomitable human spirit, that lies within each one of us. Stories of 'Endless Possibilities, Far and Unlimited (Grand) Horizons'
Craig's blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at and
"The world's smallest and most exclusive bookstore"
"Together, one mind, one heart, one life at a time, lets see how many people we can impact, encourage, empower and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials."
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