It appears that the Public Relations New York scene has survived the economic downturn and is poised for a recovery following a period of contraction, layoffs and budgetary cutbacks as a result of clients retrenching. The industry has proven itself to be fairly resilient. Here’s why…

Strategic Management: We in Public Relations New York as well as our counterparts throughout the world have long appreciated the fact that PR is about strategic management of corporate image and reputation. It’s more than just branding or gimmicky product launches, it’s about working out the organization’s existence–and the legitimacy for its existence–in the global community. This part comprises everything from understanding reputation issues, listening to customers and activist groups alike, and then advocating the interests of the public to the organization, and that of the organization to the public. At this level, PR is total communication management, from issues management to crisis response.

Credibility: With Public Relations New York and elsewhere, there is no other form of communication that comes close to being as credible as PR because others – be they reporters, columnists, bloggers, etc. – tell your story for you. The folks in Public Relations New York have long held the belief that what they do is far more credible than what their counterparts in advertising do.

Value: Clients for those of us on the Public Relations New York scene have long realized that PR provides better ROI than other forms of communication. PR affords the opportunity to reach a highly desired target audience through a mention in a press article or by an influential blogger or through a tv interview.

Message Durability: How long does a tv spot last? 30 seconds? How much of a message can you get across in that time frame? For those of us in Public Relations New York, we have the opportunity to tell a longer story with a depth of facts and illustrations, much more so than you’ll find in an ad. In addition, those who read your ad elect to do so because of genuine interest. How many people tune out ads on tv? Or, given today’s technology, bypass them all together?

Enhanced Media Relationships: Given the cutbacks in the media world, reporters are more time-constrained than ever before. They need sources and fresh perspectives to advance their stories and usually need them fast. And, that’s where we – practitioners on the Public Relations New York scene – come in. The media have come to view us as facilitators and conduits for information as well as for providing good candidates for expert commentary.

Persuasive Power: Those of us practitioners in Public Relations New York and elsewhere have long realized that no other form of communication can persuade, change public opinion or alter perceptions better than public relations.

Relationship Building: Long ago, Public Relations New York practitioners and their counterparts throughout the world came to realize that public Relations is about building relationships with stakeholders, or people who affect or are affected by an organization’s decisions. The goal is to build lasting and deep relationships with all of the company’s key constituents – relationships that are transparent and built upon trust.

Author's Bio: 

Kevin Waddel is a free lance writer. To get more information about Public relations, Public Relations New York, New York city public relations, Investor relations New York, PR, NYC Public Relations Firms, Financial Services Relations in New York visit