We have lost another hero in a very sad and enraged PTSD episode. Staff Sergeant Jason Pemberton, who was a U.S. Army sniper and served with the 82nd Airborne Division for two deployments in Iraq, killed his 25-year old wife and himself February 4th, 2012.

His wife, 25 year old Tiffany Pemberton, was found dead from a gunshot wound in the living room, while Jason Pemberton was dead in the bedroom about 10 feet away, from what reports say was a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head from a rifle.

Pemberton, who was 28-years old, had earned three Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star during his deployments. Yet, like many Veterans, he was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following his service in the Middle East.
Therapy through self examination is the only true cure I know for PTSD.... Our supplements are just designed to support people in this process.

Despite Sunday’s horrific news, Pemberton’s neighbors still spoke highly of him saying, “He was a man that had a big heart and he just snapped.” He was highly decorated, three purple hearts, was really not happy about the way he was being treated by the V.A.”

Like a majority of Veterans, who are highly decorated, highly trained and highly honorable, they become enraged and completely disillusioned with how they are treated by the VA when they return home. Most are treated like a pawn in a gambit when attempting to get help – like they have to sacrifice more just to garner some respect and proper attention. No, I think not, they have already done that in plenty.

While I do not want this article to focus on the problems surrounding the services of the VA, I do want to again point out that there are some serious flaws in the system. But we already know that. Staff Sergeant Jason Pemberton, and his wife, are just another example of what can happen when the pressures of PTSD are not addressed.

PTSD is not something that just goes away. It is not something that can just be cured like a common cold. No, it is not that easy, and everyone is different. Speaking from personal experience, you have to face your demons head on, and a for whatever reason, they are really, really powerful.

For a majority of Vets, and people alike, they just want to shut their minds off, so they turn to alcohol, drugs (legal or illegal), and many other forms of behavior that does not lead them out. Instead, for a majority, it prolongs the affects and silently hinders their lives everyday.

“We feel trapped in our own minds. And it really sucks,” says a Veteran who wishes to remain anonymous.

For Veterans and everyday people alike who suffer from PTSD, exercise and nutrition are essential for maintaining a mental balance, as they go through the process of uncovering the sources of their symptoms. Offering Veterans, and others with PTSD, a nutritional supplement specially formulated to support the affects of PTSD (and stress in general) is essential.

A nutritional supplement specially formulated to support the affects of PTSD might have very well changed the outcome of this sad story.

That is what our nutritional supplements and company are all about: Helping to supporting people as they learn how to progress from the stress and anxiety in their lives. In addition, NutriVine Vitamins is on a mission to support Veteran Organizations, so proceeds of our your purchase will be donated to Veteran Organizations, like The Wounded Warrior Project, Healing Combat Trauma, and Connected Warriors.

To read the entire article, or find out more about what we are doing, visit http://www.nutrivinevitamins.com/health-news/

Author's Bio: 

James Siers is the Founder and President of NutriVine Vitamins. He is a Veteran of the United States Army, serving in Afghanistan during 2004‑2005. James also has progressed through the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), stemming from experiences during his deployment.

It is now his mission and the mission of NutriVine Vitamins to help support the effects of stress through information and nutritional supplements.