The other day I was running an errand at a post office that I generally do not go to. As I pulled into a parking spot a woman approached me and asked if I was the hypnotist, as she had seen the magnetic signs on my car. I told her that I was and asked how I could help.

She told me that she had been involved in an accident about 5 months ago when a woman pulled around a corner at 30 mph and knocked her down, breaking her jaw, cheek, ribs, hip and leg. She also told me that she had been in a severe state of panic and anxiety since the accident and that 2 psychiatrists and 2 hypnotists had tried to help her and had failed.

She went on to say that she had a strong belief in Hypnotherapy and asked if I could do any better than the last two hypnotists that she had tried.

Panic and anxiety is a specialty of mine and I said without any hesitation or doubt that I could absolutely help her.

She called me a week later and set and appointment. She had to wait until her husband had a day off, as she was nervous about driving in unfamiliar territory. In any event she arrived and we began our session.

This client was a highly analytical individual and one that had a compulsion to always be in control. In addition to that she was clearly a somnambulist. A somnambulist is a deep level hypnotic subject who generally walks around in a constant state of hypnosis without realizing it, often reacting to stimuli without even knowing why.

There are two types of somnambulists, one is the person who goes into hypnosis extremely quickly (in fact I have hypnotized a somnambulist in as little as 2 seconds) the other is one that is so deep that to take them deeper so that they may realize what a state of hypnosis is can in fact be very difficult.

My new client is in fact the latter, which became apparent during the first session and her desire to be in control and to have great difficulty in relaxing enough to allow the hypnosis to occur. However I suggested a task to her while she was in a light trance, which she in fact followed through on when she arrived home. She told me that she acted on the suggestion without even realizing it, which clarified in my mind that she was a somnambulist and that I was absolutely able to help her.

She called me to set her second appointment. While setting the appointment we had some further discussion regarding her issue and I asked if she had experienced any panic and anxiety prior to the accident. She said that on reflection that she had experienced an attack at age 29 and when pressed, went on to say that she had had a difficult childhood and that her father had been an abusive, violent drinker. She said that she could remember many times being under her bed in a fetal position scared of what her father may do to her after he had finished fighting with her mother.

It became very clear to me that her ambulatory accident was not the cause of her panic and anxiety, but in fact her panic and anxiety started as a result of her fear toward her father.

Panic and anxiety can be created simply through a severe drop in blood sugar levels and as a result of the body feelings associated with a severe blood sugar level drop the mind attaches a situation to it in order to “rationalize “ the body feelings that are occurring. Rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, general and strong nervousness, sweating and fear. The result being (in this case) a lifetime of panic and anxiety. Add to this the facts that she is a person from another country and that her husband is someone that she no longer trusts which further adds to her overall insecurity and low self-esteem.

She told me that even though she had also visited some psychiatrists, all they wanted to do was to put her onto medication and that they did not appear to be very thorough in their attempts to find the cause of her problem. In fact no one had even gotten close to the discovery that we had made regarding her childhood. She was thrilled by the end of our conversation and was feeling for the first time that someone had a handle on her problem. For the first time she had some real hope as to improving her life and ridding herself of the panic and anxiety that had been plaguing her all these years.

Should you know of anyone experiencing panic, anxiety or post-traumatic stress syndrome, don’t hesitate to contact me at the email address listed below.

Author's Bio: 

Nicholas Pollak CHt
Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Master Hypnotist,
Handwriting Analyst
Since 1991
CALL: 310.204.3321

Nick is a Motivational Speaker, Published Author and is Located in Los Angeles, California, and may be contacted by email at:
or by phone at 310.204.3321.

I received my certifications in August of 1991graduating with honors from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Tarzana, California, the first and only nationally accredited school for hypnosis in the United States.

The Hypnosis Motivation Institute requires over 600 hours of accelerated education for certification. I am also a Certified Master Hypnotist.

I was born and raised in London, England. I left England and traveled extensively in Europe, followed by 2yrs in Israel, 8 yrs in Australia and, as of now 26 yrs in America.

I have been A Customer Service manager in 2 different companies in Australia, achieving these positions as a result of my hard work from entry level positions.

I was Top salesman of the year, two years in a row with GTE Australia, Yellow Pages. Winning a total of 15 major sales awards.

Top Marketing representative responsible for sales income of $12.5 mill to FHP (A medical Insurance Company) here in California.

A videotape editor and technician for CBS Television City for 13 years. Having worked numerous live shows, such as Big Brother, The Price is Right, American Idol as well as being the technician responsible for rolling prime time pre-taped shows, and formatting the shows for air.

My work experience has been wide and varied, which emphasises the fact that any one can enter a field of which they have no knowledge and create their own success within it, as my results have constantly shown.

In 1994 I had a severe and debilitating back condition which required major surgery. My recovery time was significantly faster than the Doctor’s had anticipated and my expected side effects of weakness and loss of feeling were significantly less than the Doctors had anticipated.

Both the Doctor and I absolutely attribute the great recovery to my self-hypnosis.

That same year I also had a major heart condition, which in fact left me clinically dead for 3 minutes.

Again my recovery time using self-hypnosis was much faster than the doctors anticipated.

I am always amazed at what people can do as a result of a little Hypnotherapeautic "push" to assist anyone to resolve their issues.

Becoming a Hypnotherapist in 1991 was the best thing that I ever did, as it allows me the continual opportunity to be of service to others and to help and to motivate people.

I have also had excellent results in general practice dealing with any and all issues presented to me by my clients.

I have had great success in assisting people to understand their behaviors, assisting them with habit control, panic and Anxiety, weight loss, nail biting, positive visualization, motivation, as well as many other issues.

People are amazing and can do absolutely anything they set their minds to, and I am always thrilled to be a part of that discovery.

By applying the techniques learned at The Hypnosis Motivation Institute I have helped many clients from wide and varied walks of life to a happier, more healthy and successful life.

My practice is based on my assisting YOU to gain the vocational or avocational changes YOU want.

Servicing Culver City, Mar Vista, Santa Monica, San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita Valley, Mar Vista, Marina Del Rey, Los Angeles