Hello and welcome. My name is Martin Crees-Morris I am a professional psychic and mentor and I have prepared this series of articles to help you discover and develop you own unique psychic abilities.

I have done thousands of readings for private clients, telephone services and internet based services and I would like to share some inside secrets to help you achieve your ambitions as a psychic.

The basic principles can be described easily BUT there is no getting round the fact that you will have to put in consistent practice.

So what will you learn? Experience is still teaching me the importance of these basic principles which are:

1. Inner silence.
How can we connect to our intuition if the inner noise is constant?
What chance do we have if we are on a constant diet of outer noise?
You will learn how to enjoy silence.

2. Detachment
One of the main barriers to a clear intuition is for the reader to allow their personality and their needs to leak into the information flow.
You will learn how to stop this.

3. Getting Started
Having set the foundation we will use a very simple tool to get the intuition started.
This tool will allow you to gain confidence and guidance towards your own unique expression of your gifts.
You will experience the joy of connecting to your intuition.

4. Getting Stronger
Tackling more complex issues and staring to work with external questions.
You will learn how to trust your gifts.

5. Specialising
Learn to understand the ways in which intuition comes through to you.
Learning what information comes most naturally to you.
Specialisation will build your confidence, the quality of your work and your reputation.

So now that you have grasped the basic principles you may feel drawn to using your skills for the benefit of a wider audience. The next steps in this series will give you ideas about how to take your skills into the wider world.

6. Going Public
Get ideas on how to structure a reading to get the best results.
Learn safe ways to use your gifts in the service of a wider audience.
This will help build confidence and will refine how you operate.

7. Reading for a fee.
Understand the options available to you and what will be required of you.
Selecting the best reading option(s) for you.
How much are you worth and how do you get paid?
These first steps are vital and done correctly will allow you to thrive.

8. Private Practice – basic set up
This session will focus on private practice because this is where you will have the most control but it will require most work.
Get suggestions for your basic professional “toolkit”.
Learn proven ideas for generating new business.

9. Private Practice – advanced set up
This session will focus on using the internet simply, effectively and safely. .
Understand the basics to ensure privacy and security.
You will learn how to use low or no cost methods for attracting business.

10. Summary – Bringing It All Together
What you should have achieved by now.
Points to ponder.
Where to from here?

So please join me on this journey of development and discovery.
If you have any feedback or suggestions please contact me through www.selfgrowth.com.

Yours sincerely,
Martin Crees – Morris

Author's Bio: 

Described by his clients and those who know him as grounded, educated, cultivated, practical, supportive and intuitive Martin lives with his wife and son on the remote island of Tasmania.
Born in England he survived a Jesuit education, Martin took an honours degree in physics, qualified as a chartered accountant, worked in the City of London in investment banking, migrated to Australia where he was a corporate financier, farmer and management consultant.

In his private life he was the student of a master of practical mysticism for many years – and was fortunate to receive instruction in esoteric personal development.
Bringing a wealth of practical experience to his work, Martin is very non-judgmental and open minded, working to support clients to achieve their goals.