What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a chronic disorder characterized by the appearance of white or discolored patches on the skin. Also called Leucoderma, it affects nearly 1% of the world population. The early signs of vitiligo are white/discolored patches on the sun-exposed body areas, such as the face, hands, feet, arms and lips. In some cases, the hair also turns gray and people even notice color loss inside their mouth and vitiligo doesn’t cause itching, redness or pain before or after the white spots develop.

Our phototherapy clinics for vitiligo in Delhi involve the use of various electromagnetic rays to treat vitiligo. In this treatment, the patient is asked to have a medication called Psoralen and then, expose the area to be treated to UVA rays. This technique works in two ways- it kills the abnormal immune cells and increases the resistance to sunlight.

We also have PRP clinic in Delhi for different kinds of alopecia. PRP for hair re-growth is a non-surgical, in-office treatment removed from the patient's own blood that can be performed in around 60 minutes.

What is PRP therapy?

PRP therapy for hair loss is a treatment which incorporates the technique of drawing out a patient’s own blood, processing it so that only the enriched cells remain, and injected it into the scalp in the areas which suffer from hair loss. This plasma rich n platelets and growth factors is pretty beneficial in healing and tissue regeneration as it holds vital proteins that promote natural hair growth.

Our phototherapy and PRP clinic in Delhi is an obvious choice for most patients because:

• Experience: we have been performing hair transplant and cosmetic reconstructive procedure from many years.

• Safety and facility: our methods and procedures are unique and painless.

• The emotional connection: our specialists are compassionate surgeons so a patient feels to a great degree open to examining their medicinal history and related unsettling influence which is basic to the better execution of the method with them.

• Customer service: we have friendly, trained and courteous staff that is helpful at all stages.
• Ambiance: we have war and inviting ambiance. Patients visiting our premises are made to feel comfortable and offer support at every step of the way.

Our mission is to enable our clients to be physically attractive by employing the most advanced technology while adhering to high ethical standards and always putting the client’s interests first. We aspire to be a brand known for making scientific, result-oriented PRP and phototherapy clinics for vitiligo in Delhi which is accessible and affordable.

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