The economy is poor, jobs are scarce, and because of that you may feel that you have to put up with things for fear of losing your job. Things you would not stand for at any other time but you do now because you are afraid that you will lose the job you have and not be able to find another one. This is a fear that hundreds of thousands of people have to deal with each and every day and it is not something you should go through.

The fact is that you have rights, not only as an employee but as a human being and those rights need to be taken in consideration by your employer or a coworker. If they are not then you have the ability to protect yourself, physically, and financially. Employers may think that they can threaten you and even fire you to make a point but they have no rights over your life. If they mistreated you in any way and then terminated your employment because you stood up for yourself then you need to contact an employment lawyer today. if you are harassed in any way, no matter the severity of it, than you need to stand up for yourself.

In many cases, harassment can be a point of a misunderstanding that will be solved with a simple intelligent conversation. But if that only makes things worse then you really have a problem on your hands that should not exist. People are fully aware that you cannot treat people with such rude and disrespectful behavior. The fact is that if you are being mistreated it is because the other person cares little about your feelings and they will continue to do so until they are stopped. If you are avoiding a confrontation because you know it will result in a firing then that person is breaking the law and violating your rights. That's why you need an employment lawyer, or a discrimination lawyer to make sure your rights are protected, and if not, justice is swift.

If you lose your job you also lose your financial security and that is not something to be taken lightly. That's why you need to hire a discrimination lawyer who will make sure you receive fair financial compensation per local, state, and federal regulations. You need to know what your rights are and what you can do about harassment so contact a lawyer today to find out what you need to know.

Author's Bio: 

Michael Hoffman is a San Francisco Employment Lawyer and San Francisco Discrimination Lawyer at Hoffman Employment Lawyers, LLC.