You may be struggling to lose weight and be wondering why you don't seem to be able to achieve results. During the holiday season it may seem even more difficult and stressful. You may even end up surrounded by family and friends who judge you more harshly and critically than you wish. If you have wondered why time and time again, despite all good intentions, you have struggled to actually once and for all shed the pounds, your will may not be the problem. You may be struggling with the issue of a poorly programmed mind.

If you continue to struggle time after time, you can rest assured that you have somewhere in your brain decided that making the change would be too painful to achieve or that to give up the ability to eat what you want on demand would take away your pleasure. This poorly programmed brain will inevitably focus you back to eating time and time again. That is why after a period of dieting that would be described as a great success you immediately begin to overeat and gain the weight back. Your mind is desperate to put you back in order in the way you have subconsciously demanded.

The mind is an amazing tool that can create and achieve any goal we give to it. The trick is to firmly believe that it must be achieved and reprogram the brain to give you the help you need to easily begin to lose the weight. The first step is to begin journaling. On page 1 of your journal, as soon as you open your notebook, write out in clear measurable terms your weight loss goals. I want to lose 50 lbs and be 130 pounds by June 30th. Make sure it is clear, measurable and written!

Your second step is to spend time investigating the reasons you think that changing your eating habits would create pain is a great first step. Start a journal and begin writing. Ask yourself questions surrounding your emotions regarding your eating and dieting. What is actually going on inside? Are there certain words or statements that you use before you break your diet? Is it when your upset? Happy? Do you give your diet much thought before you break it or is it a distant thought in the background? Once you get a handle on what is actually happening, you can begin to use tools to actually begin to manifest the weight loss you so desire.

Once you've spent time looking at how your mind has protected you in the past, the next step is to reprogram. Open the journal again, and begin writing what will happen if you fail to make this change. Write in explicit detail exactly what it will mean if you do not lose the weight. For instance someone might write "if I don't lose the weight I will not be able to keep up with my children. It will mean that I won't be able to coach their cheerleading squad. I won't be the type of parent i had always dreamed of being. Nothing is more important to me than how I parent my children." Get the idea? Really get in touch with what the consequences will be if you do not change.

Finally, your fourth step is to write in joyful and expressive detail what losing the weight will mean to you. What will it feel like? What will the effect in your life be? How will it change your life. Feel it, smell it, taste it and then write about it.

Change doesn't happen without making a decision to break the habits that have been holding you back. THis work will allow you to understand what has been keeping you down and what needs to change in your life. It is still up to you to make the decision that enough is enough. When you finally make the decision, you can create rapid change in your weight loss goals.

You can make any change or achieve any goal easily and with ease. Get my 5 tips special report as my gift to you free at

Author's Bio: 

Patty Vergnetti is a life and business coach and consultant. She also runs customized workshops on creating rapid improvement in life, business and/or career through self-discovery and change. Get Patty's Slim Healthy & Free Webinar as her gift to you free at You can manifest permanent weight loss.

You may also contact Patty with your comments and questions.