Every business can make more money by following a few important steps in the accounting side of the business. Owners of unprofitable businesses can either follow these steps or live with the consequences.

It is imperative for a successful business to have a sophisticated accounting system in place. A bookkeeper handles the day-to-day financial record-keeping and reporting associated with the operation of a business. Bookkeeping is just one process in the accounting system.

This means that you can look at the books in the morning and know everything that was sold, every bill that has been received and understand exactly how yesterday's activities became profit and loss for your business. This daily review may seem cumbersome in the beginning, but it is the critical piece in changing the success of your business. Every business owner and manager should review the business activity in the form of profit and loss every single day. In the beginning when reviewing the information, it will take some work and interpretation to understand what it means to you. However, if you keep looking every day, you will begin to intuitively track the changes in the business. then over time, you will begin to know what to look for and you can find and investigate items that don't look right or don't make sense. This process will lead you to better business decisions.

Being in business has risks involved, but when you don't know what it really costs to do a job or what inventory is on hand, the risk increases substantially. The problem is that we cannot add all the little costs of doing a job in our heads. Job costing is critical in learning how our employees work, what it costs to complete certain types of jobs, and the amount of job profit we need to cover our end.

Make sure a system exists to close the books every month. All bank, credit and vendor statement should be reconciled. Once completed, the books should be carefully reviewed to make sure that the results match expectations. If they don't then items that appear out of the ordinary should be closely examined to make sure assets are NOT leaking out of the business.

Keeping good financial records is an essential component for any successful business. Not keeping good records can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences including overpayment or underpayment of taxes, being audited, paying late fees and/or penalties. Keeping a clean 'paper trail' can help avoid these situations and following these simple steps will help you do just that. Invest the time and effort into your everyday bookkeeping habits and you'll see positive results.

Author's Bio: 

Fran McCully of Your Administrative Solutions specializes in bookkeeping/accounting, database and business-plan development, and human resources. Fran partners with small businesses, mirco companies, solo-preneurs and individuals. To receive your free report, "Know Your Cash Flow," and discover additional resources from Fran McCully, Financial Strategist and Bookkeeper, please visit http://www.YourAdministrativeSolutions.com