Health research has shown that Probiotics can help support a healthy immune system. It can also boost weight management and even improve your mental health. But there's also a connection between a healthy gut and clear radiant skin

So how does it connect to a healthy skin? Your skin is a window into your health. It reflects things like our diet and our stress level. People have spent a fortune on expensive creams and procedures to have gorgeous skin. That's actually not helping the case. It’s like putting a Band-Aid on the problem and are not getting to the root of the issue.

If you want to get to the root source of these problems, you have to think about what you're eating. What you're putting into your gut is a huge factor. The health of your gut shows on your skin so an inflamed gut shows up as inflammation in the skin.

Antibiotics Are No Longer Effective For Skincare

These new antibiotics are becoming less and less effective. The overuse and misuse of these drugs makes antibiotics less effective. The micro bugs are getting smart, they're mutating. They're becoming more resistant to antibiotics. Organizations like the World Health Organization, the CDC and the United Nations know this. They're all coming out saying that we need to start looking for alternative options.

Probiotics are what I call your good bugs or live bacteria. They are always covering our skin and swimming through our intestines. If we can learn how to harness the power of these microscopic warriors we can do magnificent things in the skin.
They can Target things like acne, eczema, premature aging even skin cancer.

Probiotics for skincare what's the best way to introduce them?

You will want to introduce them in the form of foods beverages and supplements on a daily basis. Also in the form of your skincare especially if you're targeting your skin. A great external skincare product like Albolene can help produce a more radiant skin.

Foods like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut and sipping on some kombucha fermented tea helps. If you're somebody who likes to use protein powder in your smoothie, then you want to look for the word fermented on labels. You also want to take a daily probiotic supplement like Florajen Probiotics.

There are a whole lot of different skin care products on the market now that actually have probiotic technologies in them. There are good bugs and we have healthy bacteria on our skin and in our gut. There's certain strains like there's different probiotics which are good for different people. If you're struggling with acne you want to look for certain bacterial strains that are good for acne. If you're dealing with eczema you will want to look for a certain bacterial strain.

For example you want to sort of tailor the probiotics that you're incorporating into your diet. This should be based on your individual skin concerns. A general rule of thumb is a variety of diversity is the best option.

Can someone do too much probiotic?

We now know that the more strains we incorporate both in our diet and our skincare the better. If you start introducing too many probiotics at once you can start experiencing some gas and bloating. You can also experience some intestinal discomfort. What I usually say is it's better to start with a dietary supplement like Florajen Probiotics. Most probiotics have 10 to 15 billion colony-forming units (cfu's). If you're doing okay and your sort of getting used to that then you can bump it up to higher levels. Remember to start slow and don't eat a whole bowl of kimchi baechu.

Author's Bio: 

Nancy Townsend is a mommy blogger that promotes healthy aging.