According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention every year nearly 80 people succumb to poisoning which can be easily avoided. To do that, all you need is a bit of awareness and follow some simple safety precautions. Medicines, cosmetics, hair dyes, house plants, pesticides and chemical cleaners are a major source and reason for Child poisoning at home. About 80% of all poisonings are in kids between the ages of 1 and 5.
•Always store pesticides in secured cabinets.
•Never use pesticides or leave them unattended when kids or their toys are around.
•Educate your kids about the dangers of poisoning.
•Don’t keep food items near any of the chemicals or cosmetics in your house.
•Always use child-resistant packaging.
•Use child safety locks on cabinets that store Medicines, Cosmetics and chemicals.
•Keep all the medicines away and stashed in a secured place.
•Avoid taking medicines in front of kids as they are fascinated by them.
•Take medicine only as prescribed by your doctor.
•Keep all products in their original containers.
•Do not keep chemicals containers without labels.
•Keep cosmetics, toiletries, nail polish, deodorants away from kids.
•Keep alcohol in locked cabinets.
•Keep mouthwash away from kids as they are not at all meant for them.
•Don’t use paints with lead.
•Don’t keep roach baits and rat poisons on the floor.
•Discard silica gel packets that come with some products.
•Discard used button cell batteries.
•Install carbon monoxide alarms and ensure they are in working condition.
•Keep furnaces, fireplaces, and wood-burning stoves in good condition and have them inspected by technicians.
•Some indoor plants like Oleander, Poison Ivy, Mistletoe, Hyacinth, Crotons, and Daffodils are poisonous.
•Never leave your car or vehicle running in your garage.
•Be vigilant and try childproofing your home as much as possible.
•Ask your kids to wash their hands and face regularly.
•In case of any poisoning stay calm and immediately seek medical attention or call National Poison Control Center (1-800-222-1222)
•If the skin comes in contact with poison, immediately wash the area with soap and warm water.
•If any toxic substance gets into the eyes, flush the victim’s eyes with warm water for 5-10 minutes.
•If some inhales poison or toxic fumes, take the victim out in the open for fresh air.
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Author's Bio: 

Jack Taylor
Powers Taylor LLP is a boutique litigation firm that represents people injured by unsafe drugs. The attorneys of Powers Taylor founded this firm to focus on client needs. We employ unique and creative litigation strategies to obtain decisive results for our clients.