Hemorrhoids, more commonly referred to as piles, are the inflamed masses of swollen tissues and veins, located along the inner side of the anal canal in the case of internal hemorrhoids, or along the anal outer margin in the case of external hemorrhoids. Though rarely ever life-threatening, these dilated masses often cause very great discomfort.

The general symptoms associated with hemorrhoids are pain while defecating, some specks of blood appearing on the tissue paper, stool or on the water in the toilet bowl, some pain in the anal area while sitting down, palpable and tender lumps developing around the anus as well as anal itching. Some factors which cause hemorrhoids are childbirth, obesity, strained defecation as a result of constipation and diarrhea.

The first step in preventing hemorrhoids is to have a healthy diet. You should add some fiber to your diet, as this is among the best natural methods of preventing hemorrhoids. Foods that are rich in fiber include oatmeal, vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains. These will hemorrhoids by facilitating effective digestion, cleaning up your rectal walls as well as making defecation really smooth and free of pain.

Secondly, ensure you drink lots of fluids. This is most important when having meals, as it is a good way of promoting proper digestion and thus keeping your stool from hardening. You can either take pure water or opt for alternative types of healthy fluids including fruit and vegetable juices. These will all help in giving stool more moisture, and thus make it a bit softer and thus easier to remove from your system.

Furthermore, you should set a regular timetable for having your meals. Avoid skipping any meals or changing your eating schedule constantly as it may cause indigestion that can then trigger symptoms of hemorrhoids. in addition to this, try to stick to a regular schedule for defecation. This will decrease the chances of experiencing difficulty when passing stool. You should defecate as soon as you feel the urge to do so since if you choose to wait till later, the stool gets hard and dry, thus making it uncomfortable for you to have a bowel movement.

You should refrain from long periods of continuous sitting, or lifting heavy objects. Lifting objects which are beyond your capacity not only strains your muscles, but in addition also causes strain to the tissues and veins of the rectal walls. Whenever you are engaged in activities which require sitting continuously, change your position at close intervals. If possible, you should also stand up and walk around to stretch your limbs every now and then.

When defecating, avoid sitting on the bowl continuously for hours at a time since gravity could exert an unwanted pull on the rectal tissues that could make them push outwards and swell.
Last but not least, it is vital to maintain your anal area in a clean and dry state. Gently wipe your anal region after defecating, using an unscented and damp toilet paper, then dry it by dabbing. Refrain from wiping strenuously or keeping unnecessary moisture in the area since it can cause some irritation of the rectal tissues which can cause hemorrhoids.

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