You can brighten your smile and improve oral health with preventative toothache remedies that are easy, painless, and inexpensive.

Your smile is one of your greatest assets and taking care of it should be a priority. Healthy teeth and gums not only look and feel better, but are also a good reflection of your general overall health. Neglecting your teeth can lead to painful decay and disease, expensive dental bills, and other serious issues such as infections, respiratory complications, and even osteoporosis.

While nothing should replace regular professional cleaning, or daily brushing and flossing, there are some preventative home remedies that will help provide optimal oral care so you can have strong teeth and a healthy body. And most of these suggestions are simple products that are easy to find, inexpensive to purchase, and definitely worth the time and investment since taking care of your teeth today can save you money on dental bills in the future.

1. Honey: Honey is known for its antibacterial and infection fighting components, helping to eliminate and prevent any inflammatory problems such as gingivitis or periodontal diseases. Also, its antimicrobial properties make honey one of the most effective substances for killing or inhibiting bacterial growth and slowing plaque formation by reducing the amount of acid produced in the mouth. Put a little honey on your toothbrush, rub some on your gums after brushing, or make a paste by mixing it with cinnamon and baking soda. And, as an added bonus, honey is also a great whitener, so you will enjoy both healthy and beautiful teeth.

2. Green Tea: Green tea contains polyphenol, which is an antioxidant that is effective for reducing plaque, preventing and healing gum disease, and eliminating bad breath. Since green tea also contains fluoride, it will help strengthen enamel and prevent decay. Simply drinking the tea will allow you to enjoy its healing benefits; however, you can also use it as a mouthwash, purchase toothpaste that contains green tea extract, or make your own mixture by adding green tea powder to whatever toothpaste you already have.

3. Vitamin Supplements: There are several vitamins and minerals that contribute to healthy teeth and gums and will help prevent disease. Some of the most powerful are as follows.

Vitamin C: This vitamin is a natural antioxidant which helps clean teeth, dissolve plaque, fight infection, and guard against gingivitis and gum disease.

Calcium: This mineral is a very important component in strengthening enamel and reducing sensitivity. Eat dairy products or take calcium supplements such as tablets, dolomite, or bone meal.

Vitamin D: This vitamin has anti-inflammatory properties that prevents gum disease and promote calcium absorption.

4. Cranberries: These powerful little berries contain flavanols which stop bacteria from sticking to your teeth, preventing plaque build-up, cavities, and gingivitis. Cranberries are also great for preventing staining and helping to maintain natural whiteness. Cranberry pills provide some positive benefits; however, drinking pure juice, using high concentrate powder, or eating the berry itself will offer the most potency and effectiveness.

5. Oil Pulling: Rinsing your mouth out with sesame, coconut, or olive oil has great cleansing and healing benefits for your teeth and gums. Swish the oil around in your mouth for 20 minutes each morning and enjoy healthier, whiter, stronger teeth.

By adding simple, easy to find ingredients to your oral care regime you can improve the health of your teeth and gums and prevent disease or decay. Preventative toothache home remedies will give you beautiful teeth and help reduce the cost of

Author's Bio: 

Amelia Bentrup holds an M.S. in Reproductive Physiology and is the owner, editor and writer of Take preventative measures to maintain healthy teeth and gums and fight infection with her toothache home remedies.