Summer is the perfect time to be a bride, especially if you love flowers. Purple is especially perfect color for your wedding bouquet, and there are so many colorful options from informal to elegant, romantic. Here are some ideas for pretty purple flowers in summer brides.

For casual outdoor wedding meadow, a simple cluster of flowers with Wildflower feeling is correct. Perhaps better known as the ring belongs to, because they are very hardy in the autumn, purple mums and Astra is a great choice for summer brides. We also have an excellent array of Astra comes in shades of purple, from lavender to cool bright red-pink color, as well as deeper shades. Mixing and matching a number of different tones and sizes for mothers and Astra will achieve the best effect Wildflower bouquet. When the mother species of yellow centers; cheery yellow plaid belt is a charming bouquet of purple flowers, wrap a charming country style.

There are a lot of summer flowers that are very romantic. If you are the sort of bride who loves lace, pearl earrings and vintage-inspired details, you'll adore the purple flowers in your bouquet of summer. Large cascading bouquet of fragrant purple freesia, lavender roses, irises and a mini would be just the right feeling of old-fashioned charm. Due to the special bouquet wrap, try to find a vintage ribbon spools in March, and at the end of a streamer. You might even want to have your florist to add a "love knots" in the bouquet, joyful harvest tradition of hanging ribbons and small flowers in bridal bouquets. Traditionally, the bride carried a small pair of silver scissors, which she used flowery strip cut off to give her attendants to enjoy after the ceremony.

If your wedding style is classic, there are a few options of beautiful violet bouquet. Completely round nosegay of red Hydrangea is beautiful all by itself. Those with a classic white grosgrain ribbon and finished with pearl-tipped pins, which looks like a little pearl earrings place of origin to the poles. For more playful style, choice of lime green and white striped ribbon and disconnect from the Red Hydrangea. That would be super nice bouquet for a wedding on Cape Cod.

Roses are one of the most traditional wedding flowers at any time of year, and they are a great choice for summer, they take the heat well. Pink roses can be found in various beautiful shades, such as sterling silver, lilac roses, deep purple, and reddish-purple. Roses always look beautiful round bouquet with the same shape, although they can also be used very effectively looser more organic bouquets as well. The impressive design of roses is the "composite" bouquet, which many, many petals are used to create the appearance of one giant flower. Surround with dark green leaves of Hosta ruff, contrast, and you will be really nice bouquet for your wedding.

There are other purple flowers that are excellent additions to summer weddings. Exotic orchids come in almost every color under the sun, including shades of red. Relaxing lavender scent of aromatherapy is a great touch in the red but is based on the bride's bouquet. Fragrant herbs are among the traditional Scandinavian brides. You might also consider Lisianthus (which look similar to roses, but more affordable), and calla lilies, which have grown pretty shades of red. One thing is certain, regardless of your summer wedding style, there's sure to be red flowers that suit your taste perfectly.

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