As Christian parents what is our duty to our children? How can we prepare our children for a lifelong marriage? Did you know that 95% of children grow up and get married and have families but no one ever teaches them a thing about how to value and cherish marriage and family! They manage their marriage the same way everyone else does, without much regard to its Creator. Half of marriages end in divorce and many of those marriages are supposedly Christian based marriages.
We are literally throwing our children out into the lion’s den without any proper Christian values and morals! Don’t you get it? Scripture clearly speaks to us and lets us know that Christ Ones are to be set apart from the world and be examples of Christ. I’m sorry but I just don’t see that happening. What kind of Christians are we if we aren’t teaching our children Godly wisdom for righteous living?
Christian Women and Moms as Role Models
“…Then they (older women and mothers) can train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, that no one will malign the word of God.” (Titus 2:4-5)
The above verse speaks volumes to older Christian women. If you are of an age of position, where young people look up to you, or if you are a mother of teenage daughters make sure that your example is motivating rather than discouraging and wholesome rather than disrespectful. This is our duty and Christian service to God through Christ.
It is up to Christian people and parents to instill right Christian values and morals in our children and neighbors. Why are we disregarding such an important aspect of parenting? Christian women and mothers are called to be role models to the younger generation in whatever capacity God has gifted them with. Some women are good encouragers, others are good at showing by example through how they dress and behave with their own husbands. Whatever God has gifted you with, use it and be a shining star for young girls and women of today.
Christian Men and Dads as an Example
“Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us”. (Titus 2:6-7)
Shouldn’t we be teaching our sons and young men today how to be good husbands and dads? Many young men today live in a home where dads have neglected their responsibilities to their wives and children. This poor example grows like a snowball that is rolling down a hill, and it will continue through the generations causing even more heartache and family breakups.
Husbands and Fathers should be good role models for their sons and for other young men. Older Christian men should be teaching the younger men to be protective, loving and respectful of all women, even those who have not found their way to God yet. Help young women find their way to God through your respect of and brotherly love for her.
This is how Christian values are passed down from generation to generation. It is the older Christian man’s duty to teach integrity, self-control, seriousness and soundness of speech in the younger generation. Remember: Being preachy doesn’t work, being an example does.
Marriage and family values are becoming a thing of the past and that is unfortunate because healthy marriages and families are what keep society somewhat civilized! Have you taught your sons and daughters the importance of commitment in marriage? There are many things are sons and daughter need to know before getting married. How about cherishing abstinence and emotional purity before marriage. Do we teach our children about saving themselves for their spouse?
When Christians of today get so caught up in the worldly affairs of men, they stop relying on God’s way and God is the Creator of marriage, so how does that work? Christians need to start relying on and depending on God, and not just when hardship falls their way. Depending on God is our realization of our own powerlessness without him. God is the Christians source of power and we receive His help for right Christian living when we rely on him every day, not just when we are suffering. This is how we prepare our children for a lifelong marriage.
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in your richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom.” (Colossians 3:15)
Are you prepared for a lifelong marriage? To find out more about how to be prepared for marriage visit our marriage ministry websites:
and http://www.heavenministries.ocm
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