If you’re pregnant or planning to get pregnant, it is really important to take your prenatal vitamins daily. In fact, this is probably going to be some of the first advice you get after your positive pregnancy test.

There is a good reason for this advice. Prenatals are specifically formulated for pregnancy. They are chock full of nutrients you need to help build a healthy baby.

But what’s in a prenatal vitamin? Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect from a typical prenatal vitamin.

Folic Acid: Folic acid is important for a baby’s neural tube development. This s the precursor to a baby’s brain and spinal cord. The improper development of the neural tube can lead to birth defects, including spina bifida and anencephaly.

Calcium: Calcium is important for every stage of pregnancy, but it is essential in the third trimester. This is when fetal skeletal growth is most prominent.

Calcium is drawn from the mom, which means you will need a surplus to grow strong bones.

Also, by having an adequate supply of calcium in your body, you decrease the risk of preeclampsia, which then decreases the risk of premature birth.

Iron: Iron is responsible for making red blood cells that carry oxygen to all cells in your body. During pregnancy, your body uses up to 50% more blood than usual. This means that iron is in high demand.

Low iron in your blood can cause anemia during your pregnancy, and this can be passed on to your baby after birth.

Anemia increases the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, as well as an increased risk of postpartum depression.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C supports strong teeth and bones and facilitates the absorption of iron. Low vitamin C can lead to anemia, preeclampsia, and low birth weight.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is helpful in maintaining a proper level of calcium and phosphorus. Like Vitamin C, these are also important for growing a baby’s bones and teeth. Low vitamin D can lead to poor bone formation, delayed physical development, and rickets.

Vitamin B: Vitamin B is important for creating the energy your baby needs to grow. There are different B vitamins, and they each play different roles. B1 helps in the development of the baby’s nervous system, muscles, heart and it is good for digestion.B2 is essential for skin, nails, hair, and eyes. B3 offers energy, it aids in digestion and it helps to build the placenta.B12 helps in tissue repair and it boosts red blood cells.

Zinc: Zinc promotes the healing of wounds, it is important to help you maintain your sense of taste and smell, and it aids in the production, function, and repair of DNA, which is the most basic building block of all. Low zinc can lead to a miscarriage.

With all this said, it is therefore not just nice to take a daily prenatal vitamin if you are pregnant, or planning to get pregnant. It is essential.

Author's Bio: 

Gioula Chelten is a full-time mother, entrepreneur and author.
To know more about her writing, please visit her blog: https://tulamama.com/