Traditional builders take nine to twelve months to complete a home and approximately the same amount of time to build commercial buildings and housing units. As a result, many homeowners, businesses and colleges are turning to modular builders for their new homes, office buildings, and dorm construction.The advantage of using a modular builder lies in the systems building approach to construction, which not only saves time but also money.

A typical dorm project can be completed by an experienced modular builder, in as little as four to five months with cost savings of 8 to 12% over a traditional builder. This means a college or university can save money on its construction projects and increase the budget of other departments or build additional facilities for the same amount of money. These savings have significant benefit without sacrificing quality. All modular dorms are built to meet or exceed local building codes. The modules also have to withstand the transport to the site, so they are constructed to be durable and resilient.

Modular office buildings also offer comparable savings and efficiency benefits. They also allow for infrastructure improvements, like site grading, utility installation and foundation work, to take place at the same time modules are being crafted in the manufacturing facility. This accelerates the construction schedule and also enables the different trades to work more efficiently as utility crews do not have to work around framers. Additionally, the purchasing power of modular builders enables building materials to be bought at a fraction of the cost of one-time projects. This savings is passed on to the consumer and helps to trim the budget of the project.

Pre manufactured builders are also an excellent option for homeowners. Modular homes builders are able to assist in selecting a floor plan and customizing it to suit your needs. They are also able to build from a custom plan you design yourself with their team of expert architects, engineers, and CAD technicians. This allows you to move into a new home you created. The delivery time of your home will also be quick, with some homes being finished in as little as 90 days. A custom modular home takes far less time and costs less money than a traditional stick built home.

All modular buildings are constructed in an indoor facility that keeps materials safe from the elements. The modules are built with a certified building inspector overseeing their construction. The modules are able to withstand transportation, meet or exceed building codes, and are assembled onsite with the utmost precision and care. This makes modular building not only an efficient and inexpensive construction option of any project but also one of exceptional quality. For any building project, consider using a modular builder to save time and money without compromising excellence.

Author's Bio: 

Lewis Schultz was a builder of stick built homes for many years before switching to modular homes in North Carolina. Now he offers his customers the same high quality work with faster build times and better prices.