Prayer for Peace of Mind
Don’t Let the Devil Stop You!
Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the pressure, regardless of the delays, don’t let the devil stop your progress.
You know God has spoken to you, His word has resounded in your mind over and over. You dream about it, you think about it, you long for it… but every time you try to move forward something thwarts your progress.
That thwarting is the devil. The devil knows if he lets up on you, you will do powerful things for the Kingdom of God.
1 Thessalonians 2:18 is a powerful reminder of Satan stopping Paul from visiting the Thessalonians. It says, Yes, we wanted to come to you. I, Paul, tried more than once to come, but Satan stopped us (ESV).
Do you feel you are unable to make progress on your plans? Did you know that Satan will do whatever it takes to stop you from moving forward?
But, as Paul, we need to continue to fight through without giving up. What amazes me about Paul is he doesn’t whine and cry or gives up, he presses through. He doesn’t resign himself to defeat, he looks for another way to succeed.
When God gives us a dream, He gives us everything we need to succeed – even when it doesn’t look like we will succeed.
Like Paul, let’s decide to not give up, let’s choose to be determined to move forward every day.
The Word tells us to walk by faith not by site. It’s not easy. Not easy at all. When we see our life spiraling down, our money running out, not having a job, marriage failing, kids making poor choices, it’s hard to stay focused on the dream.
That is why we say to the devil: NO! You will not win, I AM more than a conquer. I may not see God’s plan but I am digging my heels and I WILL NOT give up!
If the devil is blocking you from moving forward, ask the Holy Spirit to show you another route! He not only wants you to get you where you need to go but He wants you to succeed more than you do!
Don’t give up, you’re worth it!
Lord Jesus, I am praying to you for peace of mind, healing of my thoughts, and hope for my future. Lord, come now; give me strength for this day. Give me strength to say no to the devil and yes to you. Show me how to be more than a conquer as Your word say. Show me how to serve and love you as I should. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Kelly Ann Evers
Biography for Kelly Ann Evers:
Kelly Ann Evers is a published author, victims’ advocate, authority and consultant on domestic violence issues, and the founder of His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help,™ an international organization headquartered in Southern California that is based on biblical principles.
As a survivor of severe domestic violence and sexual abuse, and through the extraordinary, transformed life God has given her, Kelly’s mission is to bring healing, health, and hope to battered and abused women by empowering, encouraging, and inspiring them to succeed.
Partnering with thousands of organizations worldwide, His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help provides a comprehensive understanding of domestic violence and a full range of free resources for victims, their families, friends, lay-leaders, and pastors that includes crisis intervention, safety planning, referrals, life skills tools, confidential and non-traceable online support, the One Step at a Time Program, living with a batterer tools, escape planning, and much more.
Her notable “Batterer Intervention Program,” used by pastors and community leaders, helps rehabilitate batterers and abusers.
Academically, and in the field, Kelly has spent the last decade researching how abuse can affect women on every level of their lives, and she uses her vast knowledge and personal experience to teach and encourage women to heal from the ill effects of abuse, and to live fulfilling, happy lives.
Additionally, for over a decade, Kelly has studied the psychological profiles of batterers, their behavioral patterns, and their recovery and healing. She will be completing her Master’s Degree at The Kings Seminary in Van Nuys, California.
To learn more about author, life-coach, Domestic Violence advocate, Kelly Ann Evers, founder of His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help™ organization regarding: Victim Advocacy, One Step at a Time Program, Classes on Biblical Understanding to Domestic Violence and Healing, Understanding Domestic Violence, Safety Planning, Help with setting personal plans and goals, Resource Materials and Referrals to Community Organizations, Spiritual Direction, Prayer Support, Life-coach Support, Pastoral Training in Caring for Victims, Batterer Intervention Program, please contact Kelly
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