Point-of-view cameras have become the rage in extreme sports these years. They are the latest in the new line of high-tech gadgets that can withstand drops, falls, dents and scratches. Used on land and in water, these helmet cameras are capable of wide-angle views and high-definition images even as they are conveniently attached to your headgear, your wrist, your chest or any vehicle you are using. Kayakers, surfers, skiers, rock climbers, spelunkers, sky divers and all adrenaline junkies engaged in various types of extreme sports just can't get enough of showing their crazy stunts to friends and family on their computers or television screens.

But point-of-view cameras aren't just for the extreme sportsmen. They can also be used by other people in other professions as well, and are in fact, used today.

Coaches use helmet cameras to improve their players' technique and form. By mounting these cameras on the helmets of football or soccer players, for example, players are able to review their moves to evaluate if they could have chosen a better opening or another tactic. Coaches also use these contraptions themselves to be able to remember what they did or said during the practice games that propelled players to do better or worse. By using the same comments in a competitive match that encouraged his players to do their best, coaches are now more sensing of the kind of pep talk they give their players. Without a POV camera, these would be difficult to remember.

Law enforcers also use these cameras during their trainings and actual field operations. By using these gadgets and reviewing their trainings, officers are able to evaluate if they did the right move and can apply more efficient methods in real world encounters. During actual operations, these cameras can capture the action as it happens and can serve as documentary evidence of the encounter. Officials who are investigating arson, homicide or murder cases can enhance their investigations by using helmet cameras to record their investigations. They can always review these footages later and see if they might have missed out something during their actual physical inspection of the place.

Medical doctors and surgeons can also use these cameras to record actual surgical operations or exploratory surgeries. These footages can later be used to review the health of the patient and find other interventions in case what was originally thought out first by the medical team doesn't turn out to be feasible. These videos (of course without breaking patient confidentiality) can also later be used in the teaching of medical students to improve the quality of healthcare given by future doctors.

Scientists and explorers can use point-of-view cameras to cover their areas of study. Not only do they get good clear views with these gadgets, it also allows them to use their hands freely-- something very important when they're in rough terrain or in the rainforest.

Of course, if you're just a regular guy who has nothing to do on a Saturday night, you can also mount a helmet cam on your favorite pooch to see what a dog's view is like. Just for the sheer fun of it.

Before you go, you should definitely have a look at the GoPro camera, it's awesome. Also, check out this GoPro HD Surf HERO review.

Author's Bio: 

Extreme sports enthusiast, world traveler, and happily married father of three.