In the modern age, plenty of IT jobs require a solid grasp of programming language and sometimes more than one. If you want to improve your career graph or need to transform your career completely, and you understand that learning a high-demand programming language can solve the problem, you might question which one to learn and what should be the learning track.

It is not simple to learn a programming language, especially if you are a beginner; it demands time and money both. To master latest programming language, one can join IT Training Institute in Noida. So, it becomes necessary here to decide on the best programming language that can assure a good career with attractive salaries. In this blog, we will discuss popular programming languages you should learn today in 2019 that makes you a demanding resource among other candidates.


This language is extremely useful, multifunctional and commonly used. C# will be a perfect choice for you. If you are interested to gain experience in creating native applications under MS. However, the most important thing is that the skills in C# language will enable you to create efficient applications both for desktop applications as well as for mobile devices, which are used daily by millions of users around the globe.


Right from the time of its launch, Angular has been ruling the open source app development world. As a feature-rich and highly advanced client-side framework, Angular JS is widely adopted and used by web development companies as well as individual developers globally. You can learn Angular by joining Angular training course in Delhi.  This framework makes front-end development easier than ever. With numerous plug-ins and features, this particular framework can improve HTML codes, thus simplifying app development and testing across scale and complexity of the project.


The main purpose of the Ruby programming language is to create powerful yet understandable codes, which are not about speed but about short development time and simplicity. Many programmers love this language because it is very friendly and understandable but it is not as popular as other programming languages and it is often not used in some parts of the world.

Java script

It is a scripting programming language which is most often used for creating websites. As for the frequency of its use, over half of all programmers use JavaScript. This language is an essential tool for the development of front-end and back-end. JavaScript is used in almost every website and if you are interested in creating corporate websites you should learn how to use it.

Data Analytics

Data analysis is the method of estimating data using analytical and statistical tools to find valuable information and aid in business decision making. There are several data analysis techniques including data mining, text analytics, business intelligence, and data visualization, which you can learn by joining Data Analytics Course. Data Analytics aids an organization to deal with the data and utilizes it to find new opportunities.



It is worth remembering that the IT market is very dynamic and it is constantly changing. For those who are just beginning their journey with the IT industry, it is recommended to start with the most popular programming language such as Data Analytics and successively you can add other languages which knowledge will make it easier for you to find your dream job.

Author's Bio: 

Hi I am Jeniifer a Professional Blogger and Writer. For Past 1.5 Years i am shares information related to tech, lifestyle, fashion,education,travel, health etc. You can follow me on Google+ and Twitter