With the growing influence of alternative methods of distribution to traditional stores, there is the debate about how far players are willing to give up the physical copy of their titles. A debate that ignites passions and, on the other hand, is a very personal matter of each.

It's a hot debate in forums around the world "physical or digital? a debate that sometimes turns on when systems come into play more adventurous and groundbreaking as is the case OnLive, A completely cloud where the user does not have any ownership of the titles individually, you only pay for access and play streaming through different models. It is a radical model is really intended for a different type of audience that is not the most dedicated and which have at home can allow different platforms and / or an updated PC, but the issue raises a question: to what extent is willing to go the time to embrace these initiatives?, and fear: companies impose this kind of methods in the future?

On question, the answer is that the production will explore every possibility to increase their profits, something that is obvious but no less true. The result will be something that we're starting to live: an amalgam of models designed for different types of games and users, games for less than one euro in the mobile market, downloadable content of all types and color, subscriptions, models that feed freetoplay small micropayments, expansions ... OnLive is one of a long list of alternatives that are present in the current gaming market and not have to be addressed to the type of user who may be reading this right now, or yes, we must re-emphasize that each has its own circumstances and their ideas, and on that basis, things like the tag game are more or less attractive.

On fear, which is often what leads many of the most heated debates, it is very difficult to think that something like OnLive otherwise be seen as a future alternative in the short to medium term. The model of selling individual game remains the main column of the producers around the world and the physical format is not going to go anywhere, which does not preclude other alternatives, particularly digital sales, will not continue to gain momentum. You can not put your hand in the fire to ensure that no company is going to do something stupid in the future and try to put an initiative on the table the question for users, not the first nor the last time a company is self-deception to any idea "revolutionary" that eventually end up being a disaster. But it is quite reasonable to think that all those who prefer to have their collections on the shelf will be able to do so without prejudice to other means of distribution.

Nor should we deceive, things are not going to be exactly the same in a few years, in fact they are no longer about a while ago. The model of "buying a game and access all the best with" yes it has gone largely to the story as much as even get the idea. The consoles are no longer the sanctuary where you can put a disk or cartridge and start playing casually knowing that there is the whole experience. The entry of large platforms in the online world has its undoubted advantages, but has opened the doors to subscriptions, micropayments, downloads and other content available for extra cash, bad models despite their many fans, is successful and has become popular among many users. Another consequence of the new situation is no longer cares for both the physical product as before, thereby affecting their value. PC users are the most regret this situation, which has shifted from large boxes full of delicious contents and care manuals for real reference to a model in which only take care of the special editions, and sometimes not even that -paying, yes, the rigorous extra for it.

Despite the comments, every coin has another side and this is where the reader will let you write these lines to insert a little personal experience to illustrate how things can change for the better. A few years ago, was an uncompromising opponent of everything that meant digital downloads. Being "old school", the idea of not having the box with the corresponding disc / cartridge was unthinkable, and also could not forget the episode where I had to return Half-Life 2 on the day of its release and then of months in advance, simply because at that time had serious problems with internet connection at home and could not connect, which meant that "Steam" that Valve was taken from the manga not allow me to validate the game. Today, that same Steam has allowed me to buy more than twenty great games for the price of laughter in sales last Christmas, joining a long enjoyable title in any of my computers, constantly updated and some with the option of continuing wherever my departure, I still buy physical games of course, but Valve Service, Good Old Games, the AppStore and other digital distribution services perfectly complement my habits.

It is a small personal anecdote, which was value for money, but which clearly illustrates the point with which you want to end this column: evolution is not bad in itself. Whenever there is freedom of choice, different distribution methods allow for different things, taken together, will benefit the user and the industry itself. Competitive price, best options for small studios and indies, more variety of content ... can say without doubt that thanks to the advent of digital media, the video game world is richer and better. Obviously, you can not settle everything, there are things better and worse in the future, and also to be seen whether OnLive or similar initiatives such as Gaikai, Dave Perry, are the roots that need. In any case, the cloud no storm threatens to become traditional for the player, whenever it comes to add, any initiative is potentially good for the game continues to grow.

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