If you are planning to have children, there are many steps you can take to ensure your body is ready for the journey ahead. Being proactive and preparing for pregnancy can really work in your favour. It is also important to know the pregnancy signs to look out for to confirm that all your efforts have been worth it and you are indeed expecting - besides the definitive negative and positive of a pregnancy test. Here are some top tips on how to prepare for pregnancy and how to pick up on those crucial first pregnancy signs...

Stop contraception: All contraceptives are different but some, such as the Pill and Depo-Provera injections (the birth control shot) mean it can take a few months before the cycle returns to normal so it can be a good idea to stop using contraception in good time before you start trying.

Folic acid: Women should take a daily supplement of 400 micrograms of folic acid while they are trying to conceive to prevent spina bifida and other neural tube defects in the baby.

Smoking: This habit not only increases the risk of miscarriage but can be harmful to the developing fetus so it is important to quit if you are planning on becoming pregnant.

Drinking: Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol can cause fertility problems for both men and women so it is a good idea to cut right down if you are trying to conceive. Medical advice also recommends pregnant women to cut out alcohol altogether as a high intake can pass through the placenta and result in fetal abnormality.

Diet: It is best to maintain a healthy diet from conception to birth. Being overweight can affect fertility and if a mother is obese during pregnancy, she runs a higher risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension, the need for caesarean delivery, and other adverse outcomes for her baby.

Early pregnancy signs

Missed period: One of the most obvious early pregnancy signs is missing your period. However, there are other reasons for missing your period, including irregular periods, stress, illness, extreme weight loss and the onset of menopause.

Tender breasts: Breasts and nipples can feel swollen, tender and very sensitive or even painful to the touch in early pregnancy.

Nausea: Morning sickness, from mild feelings of nausea to frequent vomiting, can be a good indication you are pregnant.

Feeling tired: It is typical for women to feel extremely tired during the initial stages of pregnancy when the body is working hard producing extra blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to the developing fetus.

Increased discharge: It is normal to have a thin, milky white discharge called leukorrhea early in the pregnancy.

Pregnancy test: A positive pregnancy test gives the clearest indication you are pregnant. Most now can give you a result five days before your next period is due, so you don’t have to wait too long to find out either way.

Author's Bio: 

Debra Aspinall is an experienced journalist and the editor and leading writer for the Emma’s Diary website, one of the UKs foremost pregnancy and baby websites. Debra writes on pregnancy related topics such as pregnancy insomnia, early pregnancy test, ematernity pregnancy and etc. She also writes on women’s health and beauty issues and contributes travel articles to glossy magazines in London and the Home Counties.