Accurate and Verified Physician Email List
Over 953,000 Opt-in Physician Email Addresses Available
Physician email database from Accurate List will help you to connect with independent physicians, hospital-based physicians and physicians at all types of healthcare organizations. Accurate List’s updated and verified physicians contacts with their full contact details to help you pursue your sales and multi-channel marketing campaigns without any hassle.

Our list of physician email addresses is trusted by industry leaders across the healthcare spectrum, including market research, recruitment, electronic medical records, practice management, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, continuing medical education, medical publishing, diagnostics, and directories.

Authentic Physician Email Database Across the Globe
Our physician email database is segmented and validated that helps you reach physicians with the power of making purchasing decisions. And, we assists you in making your medical supplies available to a higher number of physicians who are in need of those products for delivering quality care. So, you will get good response rates and improve your ROI with our authentic physician mailing list solutions.

At Accurate List, each physician record includes the physician’s name, medical school, Specialty, Type of practice, hospital affiliation, DEA, NPI, and State License. We can provide you with one of the most comprehensive, accurate and reliable lists of physicians to strengthen your multi-channel marketing campaigns. Accurate List has data partners across the regions and our data repository includes the data from the USA, UK, Canada, Europe, Asia, North America and Australia.

Accurate List Inc.
300 E Royal Ln,
Irving, Texas 75039

Phone: +1 (469) 284-9216


Author's Bio: 

I m Sharonleal Marketing Manager At AccurateList Inc.