When you work with a person as their personal life coach, your job is to draw out their potentials. As a coach, you are not judgmental nor do you make any assumptions. In order to become a personal life coach there are certain qualities that are required.


When you work as a personal life coach, it is more important to listen than talk. When you listen to people they can be helped to overcome their fears, given undivided attention, offered complete objectivity, and support that is unparalleled. When you listen to a person it can lead to intuitive questioning, which will allow the person you are coaching to explore what is going on for themselves..

Communication skills

It is a two-way process when you are coaching. Listening is vital but so is being able to interpret what your client is telling you and be able to reflect back. You need to do it in ways that remove negativity, bias, barriers, and pre-conceptions. On both sides, having the ability to be able to communicate well with each other enables meaningful understanding and trust. As a coach, you should have the ability to communicate content, meaning, and feeling. Three essential aspects of the communicating process are being able to communicate without influence, with no personal agenda, and without judging. This is especially true when you are dealing with a person’s personal hopes, anxieties, and dreams. If you are a good coach, you will use the communication between you not to give them the answers but to help them find their answers themselves.

Courage, curiosity, and flexibility

Every coaching pattern varies because people’s timings and circumstances are unpredictable and each person’s needs are different. This is why your relationship with each client does not follow a set single formula. You need to make sure that you take human feeling and emotions into consideration when you are a personal life coach. From the beginning of the coaching process, these emotions have to be tapped into because coaching is client-led. You will need to have the flexibility to reaction to each person’s differences. You also have to have the interest and curiosity to understand fundamental issues in their lives. This is very crucial. As a personal learning coach, your curiosity will enable your client’s journey to be far-reaching and full.

Inspiring and motivating

As a personal life coach, it is your job to inspire and motivate people. When your client receives the personal investment and attention from you towards their development and well-being, it is very inspirational and motivational to the client. In order to help your client you need to build a rapport with them first. This is very important because it will be hard to inspire and motivate if not.

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At the Academy of Thriving we have motivational coach and life lessons for you. Visit our insights training center and see for yourself the difference our life coaches can make for you.