"For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise". (Hebrews 10:36).

will just drop in our lap and the promises of God will automatically manifest themselves, but that's not the case. God does not refine you, train you, transform you, or renew you instantly. He puts you through a process -- a series of inevitable, successive events that cause you to be stretched to the utmost extremes and to go beyond your normal limits or comfort zone.

Your destiny is a process that is being worked out. Therefore you must possess perseverance.

The journey in this life is just as important as the destination. That process requires patience. It requires steadfastness and faithfulness. It requires trust and confidence.

You may not understand why it seems that God hasn't worked yet on your behalf. You may be puzzled as to why God hasn't caused you to have the breakthrough you have desired. You may be wondering why God hasn't provided for you in the way you believe He will .....but don't allow your lack of understanding to cause you to move from under the umbrella of God's protection. Instead, persevere! To persevere means to go through the severity with a proper perception and to stand firm under pressure.

If you want God to move you into a future that will be marked by an abundance of life ....if you want God to create for you a place in His history, then don't move away from Him. Keep seeking God with your whole heart, Pray, Lean on Him. Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you learn how to listen to His voice. Study the word of God. Learn who God is, how He moves, and what He does. Keep studying the word and meditating on its truth as a part of your commitment to never give up.

Keep believing God for His anointing to flow through you and to push through everything that would hold you back from walking in His purposes, blessing others, and giving him glory. Push aside your past, limitations, small thinking, rejection, discouragement, hardships, lies and depression. You can do it in the name that is above every name, the mighty name of Jesus. You can stand in His strength!

Don't give the enemy a position of authority to enter your life. Why? Because if you let him, he will seize on that opportunity and bring you down. Do not wait until the devil moves in and unpacks his suitcase of blight and discouragement to kick him out. Slam the gates and give no place to the devil. ( Ephesians 4:27).
Guard what you allow into your life through your eyes and ears. Keep your heart and mind pure.

Receive a spirit of boldness, strength, and might. Receive the spirit of the warrior for Christ, the spirit of the Captain of the Hosts, the Lord Jesus Christ. receive the spirit of victory, so that you can walk in everything God's planned for you.

Author's Bio: 

Mercy Abbey is a life coach, inspirational speaker, author and an entrepreneur known for her approachable spirit, discernment and God-given skills as an exhorter and motivator.

Through her keen gifts, Coach Mercy has the unique ability to see the potential in people and motivate them to cultivate the gifts that often lie dormant within them.

Her mandated mission is to empower, exhort and equip (the called) others with the right tools to find their true identity, discover and walk in the plan of God for their lives, to experience wholeness, significance and true fulfillment.

