When I talk about diet, most people automatically think of starvation methods, calorie restriction diets or fasting. Proper diet in order to lose weight has nothing to do with these fad, temporary methods of losing weight.

Fad diets or fasting is counter productive and can end up having a negative impact on your weight loss efforts and even your heath! Lets face it most diets and fad weight loss programs are not sustainable. And they may give you results in the sort term, but because these diets are unsustainable, most people will regain all the weight and then some after the “diet” is over.

This temporary quick fix dieting will will not lead to permanent weight loss and starving yourself to lose weight is never fun!

Permanent weight loss with diet, that is what you choose to eat is different. It allows you to eat high fiber, low fat, healthy, nutritious foods to our heart content, and still lose weight. The foods you will be eating to lose weight for good, are what our bodies need to thrive, and at the same time satisfying your hunger.

Most people over eat because their bodies are not getting the proper, high quality nutrition from the foods they are accustom eating. If your body is not getting sufficient nutrition, then your brain will trigger your hunger pangs, that will drive you to eat more as your body tries to compensate for a lack of quality nutrients. This will inevitably lead to weight gain.

We have been conditioned from babies to eat foods that are high in sugar, fat and protein. Our taste buds are conditioned to only seek after these types of foods. Unfortunately, most of these foods are devoid of the quality of nutrients in the current proportion that our bodies need. And it is hard to give them up.

The food choices that we make on a daily bases can have a dramatic impact on our ability to lose weight or not.

Let us look at an examples of a food choices that can help you shed weight or gain weight.
For breakfast I go to the kitchen and look in the fridge and the pantry and I have a choice to make. I see some white bread and some whole grain natural wheat bread. Which one do I choose? Well for most people they would choose the white bread.

This white “bread” is completely devoid of nutrition. You may say “but it's Fortified”. Yes so it says on the package, but most people do not even know what that means. The manufactures can add a drop of laboratory synthetic “vitamin” this and “vitamin” that and legally say it is “fortified”. Once this “fortified” so called “vitamins get into our bodies, our bodies have no idea what to do with this so called “vitamins” so it often times flush it out of the system.

In addition the white bread is loaded with sugar and has highly refined “flour” that will turn to sugar in your system before you can say Yummy! These “sub-foods” are high in fats, oils, cholesterol and other non food additives and preservative. Because this bread is so light weight you will be tempted to eat more ad one sandwich will not be enough to full you.

So the point here is, to choose wisely, chose the whole grain, natural wheat bread instead.
It has all the nutrition in its proper proportion, high in fiber and low in fat and oils. Very little to no sugar. It is much more filling and breaks down into sugar in the system much slower and thus will keep you full for so much longer. Your insulin will not spike and your pancreas will not be overwhelmed. You will have to eat much less as it is filling and you will not add more calories to your “bottom line”.

The key to permanent weight loss is to make the right food choices every time.

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Get the true secrets to losing weight quickly, and permanently, without starvation diets, and back breaking exercises. Learn how to use specific foods as a Natural Fat Burner to lose weight and turn your body into a fat burning furnace. Visit http://www.shockingfatlosssecret.com/