Periwinkle energy helps us to remember to let go of thoughts that do not serve us.

Periwinkle can help us to find a light-hearted ability to process our feelings and to let go of any negativity and non-productive thoughts that keep us from moving forward.

Some such unproductive thoughts are easily recognizable such as:

o I am not worthy.
o I always fail.
o Nobody likes me.

But, there are some unproductive thoughts that truly do not serve us and are a
little more insidious, a little more difficult to identify such as:

• I don't have time (or money) for fun right now, I need to focus on making money; I'll have fun once I get the money.
• I can't afford to focus on my own personal self-improvement until I get my business up-and-running.
• I'll pass on taking a vacation right now; I'll have plenty of time for that when I retire.

And, what do these last three thoughts have in common? Or, another way to ask that would be: what fallacy do they share? There are actually two.

The first is that they are all variations on thoughts of unworthiness. They all share a belief of not being worthy, at least not in the Now, and an assumption of greater worthiness at some point in the future. Hmmm. That kind of thinking is worth reconsidering!

The second is that there is an "either/or" thinking that reflects assumptions of lack: "I cannot have both; I must pick one."

Why can't you BOTH have fun and earn money -- now? Why can't you both focus on any self-improvement you desire AND get your business going -- now? Why can't you take a vacation now AND when you retire?

You most certainly can!

The truth is you ARE worthy, right here, right now. AND, there is ample abundance for you to live well now AND in the future.


I am ready to release any thinking that stands between me and living the Life of My Dreams -- now!

Author's Bio: 

Cultivator of Joy, Katherine C. H. E. is an author and expert on the Law of Attraction. She has been involved with flowers and photography most of her life. Her energy work grew out of her photography of flowers a number of years ago and started to build from little ideas she used with herself and her son to wonderful help available to others as well. She currently works with clients to help them improve any and all areas of their lives -- from their health to all aspects of their well-being. She is the creator of Flower Meditation and her unique approach to using flower energy called Flower Vibrations. For more information, go to her website