Chronic prostatitis patients will have frequent urination and other symptoms or lower body pain. To completely solve the pain caused by prostatitis, they often try various treatments. However, in the treatment process, they will find that the treatment plans issued by these doctors are often similar.

"They prescribe levofloxacin, azithromycin, or doxycycline as soon as I come up. If I have frequent micturition, urgency, or pain symptoms, they will prescribe tamsulosin hydrochloride and doxazosin. If the pain is severe, give celecoxib. If I have incontinence or frequent night urination, take tolterodine or solifenacin..."

As a result, these patients with chronic prostatitis began to have a big question mark in their mind: can these doctors not treat prostatitis at all? Or is prostatitis a complicated disease?

In fact, these treatment plans for prostatitis are not wrong. As long as the patients cooperate with the treatment, the vast majority of patients can be cured. However, in reality, many patients with prostatitis always have repeated prostatitis. Why?

Mistakenly regard prostatic fluid results as the gold standard of cure.

Clinical data shows that many patients, in the beginning, is just a little more white blood cells in the prostatic fluid. But after treatment, although the clinical symptoms were relieved, routine examination of prostatic fluid found that white blood cells became more.

Due to the original deposition in the prostate fluid with a large number of white blood cells, and after treatment, the prostate has been the result of glandular duct dredged. However, some patients think that such a treatment plan is wrong, so they interrupt the treatment by themselves, and then they go through the process of seeing a doctor again and again.

Do not follow the doctor's advice, and stop the drug in the middle of the treatment.

Some patients see the antibiotics in the doctor's prescription, and they think too many antibiotics will harm their health, so they will not eat more, and take a week after no effect will not continue the treatment. Many patients have improved symptoms significantly after taking the pills some time, but they give up treatment on the midway.

In fact, the clinical use of antibiotics in the treatment of chronic prostatitis belongs to empirical medicine. Only when the symptoms do not improve after 2-4 weeks of usage can they stop the drugs. If the symptoms improve, men should continue the pill for 2-4 weeks. Some patients always take medicine intermittently, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease.

Mistakenly thought that prostatitis is cured and the pills can treat all related symptoms.

Chronic prostatitis can lead to lower urinary tract symptoms and pain and lead to decreased reproductive desire, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and so on. Others will have psychological problems such as excessive tension, anxiety, and even depression.

However, some patients hide the above problems from the doctors when they see a doctor. They mistakenly believe that with treatment, the pills for prostatitis can naturally solve these symptoms accordingly. So the doctor can not wholly suit the medicine to the case.

Therefore, their symptoms have been improved or completely cure prostatitis, but because the above symptoms still exist, they will also think that the treatment is ineffective.

Although chronic prostatitis is a chronic disease, it can be cured by active medication and a daily healthy diet. Treatment includes an oral medication and daily care.
People can choose oral herbal medicine for treatment, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. During the treatment, people also should pay attention to the daily diet, work, and life, such as not being sedentary, not staying up late, eating less spicy and irritating food, keeping a relaxed and happy attitude, exercising more, and improving the immunity to avoid a recurrence.

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